Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I hate the Children International People

If i had to make a Mt. Rushmore of people i despise it would have to be Alex Trebek, Rachel Nicholes, The Children International people and the forth person has yet to be decided.

For those who dont know the Children International people, ( CI) to make it easier, are the stoner hippies that are in the blue vests/overall that stand on every major street corner in Boston and harass you to no end. They stick their hand out to be shaken and then they try and lure you in for a 30 minute conversation. No matter if you are on the phone, or have headphones they will still try and get you. When i am walking outside i usually have headphones in, and when i walk by them they start their whole "how are you" ( i know right how dare them) and try and get me to talk to them, I either just ignore them completely or just point to my headphones as walk on by. They can tell by my face that i mean business, but for some people who actually say sorry i cant now, they take that as an invitation to do the whole walk backwards and try and convince the person to sponsor a child or some shit they are talking about i dont know because i refuse to listen. One day i might let them go through their whole spiel just to not say a word at the end and just walk away, actually i am going to do that next time i have time to waste. The people that are doing it too are the problem they are all under 22, and i bet half of them are doing this for probation reasons for getting busted for growing their own weed or something. They all have the scruffy beard and dreads. I really want to know their success rate. They do not know the concept of spacing because as soon as you dispatch on vulture there is another one 20 feet ahead. I really hope one of them while walking backwards to get the person who just left their job which they prolly hate, i want them to trip and fall and all their little pampleths go everywhere, i would laugh for days. God these people really get under my skin, and if they accepted a no once in awhile then i wouldnt get so mad, and listen up if someone is on the phone or headphones, do you really expect them to stop just for you ???? think about it you bunch of F*$ktarts.

I dont want to get into the smug bastard known as Alex Trebek or the most annoying sports reporter Rachel Nichols, my blood is already boiled enough from the stupid CI people, plus i gotta think about a 4th for my mt. rushmore of hatred.

Form that into a question alex you ASSHOLE.

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