It has been awhile since I have posted, since then we had our fantasy draft, and if on friday night i had to hear shamps mutter the words deion branch, one more time i would have lost it. I think shamps drafted him in the tenth round just for attention. one of those look at my picks, "i cant wait to drop him" i can see people brag about a pick right after bragging purposes but it is not very often that a person picks a player and then brags about how bad the pick is. Branch could have been picked 45 rounds later. I think our draft had the biggest run of WR's in the history of fantasy sports, took my by surprise. And thanks for cookie for makeing me drink until 3 am, i wish i had this (the photo) in the bathroom upstairs here i would have scored off the charts
One phenomena that sometimes gets me thinking, How come when you eat something you dont want to eat that again for awhile after that no matter how good it is. If you hear people around the office talk about what they are getting for lunch, and they say "no pizza i had that yesterday" who came up with this buffer zone, pizza is great but once you have it you cant have it again that week, i do this same thing myself and if you really think about it, its weird. I understand variety and all but sometimes it makes no sense. How come this doesn't happen with liquid. You never hear someone say, "no i cant have diet coke i had that yesterday" or "no bud light for me, i had that last friday night" Just simple things like these that get me thinking.
I love the wire, watching these back to back like i did with lost, and one of the guys is even in Lost. watching this show makes me want to be a cop, but im sure real cops dont go around every day with this much action, as most of the cops you see in real life stand at a broken light waiving cars on.
Happy Birthday Kate.
I think that is enough for now. Ill make it a point to not take this long off between posts, I havent really done one in a while with a real theme, but at the moment i can not think of a good theme to do, when i do think of one ill do it.
Gross. Why don't guys just sit.