Monday, August 24, 2009

Typical Sunday in the Life of a Fantasy Addict

This post was requested by the kellster, see people if you want something done just ask.

This should ring familiar to a lot of the people that take the time to read this, this is what i believe goes on for anyone who is into fantasy just a little bit too much for a typical sunday:

9:00- Wake up, shake off the cobwebs from the night before and pee away the hangover, becasue there is no room for a hangover on a sunday morning.

9:15 Dunkies run becasue its going to be a long and glorious day, sip the coffee slowly, because its going to be a stressful day.

9:30 Crank up the computer and go to all relivant website to check the latest news stories to see if any of your players woke up with a broken arm, or they think that they are flying doves or something.

11:00 Contact every person you know who knows anything about football and ask them who should i start and why.

11:30 Check the matchups, try and see who is playing against your players, try and convince yourself that your best running back can have a good day against pittsburgh.

11:45 Pray to god that your opponet sleeps past one and doenst realize that he has an empty spot, basically promise anyone esle in the league sexual favors to gaurentee that no one tells him that he has a player in his linep with a bye week.

12:00 Watch every "Start'em Sit'em" video available on the internet and call the guy a hack if he tells you to sit a player you have in your lineup.

12:15 Re-arrange your lineup 4535 times to try and get the most projected yahoo points so the people in your league will vote for you.

12:30 Pace up and down the stairs because you can not decide between your worst two players for your 3rd WR spot. all while muttering to yourself that "i know if i sit player X he will have 30 points"

12:45 Read every blurb yahoo sports has to offer.

1:01 Instantly regret every decision you made the minute before.

1:03 wonder why none of your players have scored yet.

1:15 Your opponet has caught a 22 yard pass, you proclaim " I am done"

1:30 you have 13 windows open for each of the games and pop wood when your running back's team is in the red zone.

1:35 check yahoo realize you are down 35.4 to 8.0, and you scream at every play that your guy does not get the carry.

1:45 You proclaim yourself dead for the week and say fantasy sucks.

2:00 your player gets a touchdown all of a sudden your on top of the world.

2:15 Realize a player has 2 touchdowns and you pick him up and drop him and pick him up and drop him, right shamps.

3:00 Hit refresh on yahoo for the 345th time.

4:00 The 1pm games are over and you realize you have 2 players against his/her 3 players left, and you proclaim yourself dead again for the 5th time.

5:00 Send a "congratulations" text to your opponet. ( a major sin, especially when you come back to win).

6:00 your lungs hurt from screaming, you are pissed at yourself for not playing the right players. proclaim you are not going to play fantasy next year.

7: tell everyone how many points you are down, and realize you have a "shot"

8:45 you watch the night game, and realize you are basically tied, and you say "its over i cant lose"

12:00 you are ready to go to sleep all excited that you have a 12 point lead going into monday night with a tight end vs. a kicker. you spend all morning the next day listening to all the co-workers and what they need.

Fast forward to monday night and you win by 20 only pissing off the person that you congratulated way to early.


  1. This all sounds about right, accept if you are me you wake up tuesday morning to realize that you lost by .000001 points due to some ridiculous play.

  2. ouch, that is up there for worst feelings ever, i have had my share of sub 1 point losses

  3. Shamps leads the league in "I concede, you win" at 1:07 pm on gameday.

  4. HAHA this is completely accurate. awesome.
