Quick side story, some my accuse this whole entire blog as one massive side story but those people are just jealous, anyway, I was at Shaw's and i was getting my essentials, to be more specific i was getting a squeeze bottle of jelly, and while i was checking out, the bag man came over to bag my stuff, and he says "oh is this a syrup to make a drink with milk" REALLY GUY !!! tell me one person who would ever in their right mind drink a jelly milk drink. It is not a new product, and by working as a bag man, you would think he would have seen someone buying a squeeze bottle of jelly. This guy seemed pretty normal for all accounts based on the way he acted and what he said. I had a squeeze bottle of ketchup too, why didn't he ask if that was a breakfast mix or something. I should have said yeah and see that deli turkey, I'm going to blend that up and make a turkey smoothie. I hate that Shaw's anyway because it is so small, but I'm almost scared to go back in there now. It just teaches you to not be lazy, if I was not lazy I would never had to have that interaction and frankly i think i would have been better off, but in the end i did get a pretty good story, and I could not make this up. I was floored by it, the worst part was the cashier was not even phased by it, i wonder if this guy goes around and says weird things like that all the time. Ok time to end this i just heard the microwave beep, my warm cup of jelly milk is ready. Drink Up !!
That's so weird! Are you sure he wasn't special needs or high or something?