There are few things in the world that I find more annoying than people that smell, but more specifically people that smell and dont realize it because they get all up in your business. This whole rant is sparked by me yesterday being at the gym on the elliptical, and there were plenty of them but this guy just walked into the gym and sure enough got on the one directly next to me. I am very conscience of buffers but this guy seemed foreign, so i can give him a pass on that. I could see if he was there already and smelled but he smelled when he walked into the gym. I was already well into mine so stopping was not really an option, the only way you can get out of it is when you get on second and realize right away and then quickly get off and go to a new one. Just pretend the headphone socket or something does not work. I dont want to make them feel bad, because if im on there working up a sweat im sure i dont smell like roses and there have been times where someone did that to me, but at least i didnt smell like a diaper when i walked in. The same thing goes for people on the T, i understand that on the T it is hard to get space, but there is nothing worse than when people reek on the t, and they always want to reach up and grab the highest part possible on the bar and their neitherreigons of their arms are exposed to put it nicely. That reminds me, one time me and the kellster were on a T and there was a commonly seen Boston bum on there and he smelled so bad that no one was sitting within 5 rows of him, we got on saw open seats and sat down, then smelled and realized why they were open and got up, people were covering their mouths with their shirts. It was pretty bad.
Buffer zones should apply for all circumstances when possible. If there are multiple elliptical open then dont take one next to someone who is already on one. Same goes for urinals for any place outside of a ballgame, if you are at a sporting event then all buffer rules go out the window. If you sit down at McDonald's or the movie theatre you dont sit next to a stranger if you can help it. So why not apply that logic all over the place? Seems to make sense to me. But i guess i am just more sensible than most.
I love when old people at the gym work out in non work out attire, there are plenty of guys that work out in cargo shorts or collared shirts and cargo shorts. There is one older woman that goes to the downtown crossing gym she works out in a sweater and jeans, she probably just leaves and continues on with her day without changing. It has to be an age thing because you dont really see younger people doing that. There has to be something that happens because you never see anyone wearing regular clothes working out that hard, you always see them on the weight machines lifting 10 lbs, I wonder if there is a mental thing of not working hard because they are not wearing workout clothes, if you have on shorts and a t shirt i wonder if that makes you work harder. That brings me to another issue the people that overdress for the gym, this is the guy with the workout gloves, the mesh athletic shirt, ankles tapped, the weight lifting belt, the arm wrap for his ipod, the headband, the little notebook for all his lifts, the giagantic water bottle for his protien shake and the bandana. It takes him more time to get ready than it does for me to workout, this is they guy that grunts as he lifts and walks around between sets so everyone can see him. Good job guy you look like an athlete and you grunt now i wonder how much your manhood shrunk from the steroids.
I think i'll end it here, all this work out talk makes me want to go wor... just kidding im going to grab a bag of cheetos, at least its the 100 calorie variety.
Haha I remember that T ride and how I was the only one unphased by it, since apparently my glamorous job has made the scents of urine and body odor normal to me.