I would make an obiglatory broom joke but, did the sweep really surprise you? Thanks for the yanks bull pen for being a bigger collection of crap then the little kid jumped into in Slumdog. I don't want to go too much into the yanks, ill be nice.

One quick rant, there is this 50 year old dude here who has the same routine in the bathroom, he always uses the middle urinal because it has an automatic flusher, then he washes his hands, pulls out a comb out of his back pocket and proceeds to comb his combover and spend 2 mins doing his hair, there is no reason this should bug me but it really does. He has no reason to spruce up his hair he looks like the typical pricipal of an elementary shcool, who you see looking at the little boys a bit too long and you wonder if you should leave your kids alone with him. And if you're wondering why i always see him, i have a very weak bladder couple that with drinking water and coffee all day i'm always in there. As soon as i leave the bathroom i feel like i need to go again.

We are having a baby contest at work where you submit a baby photo and you try and guess who is who. I submitted one and everyone thinks im a girl, does this really look like a girl to you??? Please tell me if you do. Some people were able to pick me right away i dont see it. Its funny its not really fair either, for example there is one person with a huge baby afro, and they are the only person on the list that is not white, how obvious is that.
Still trying to complie a decent list of random NU characters, this is not limited to any one dorm or anything so please add your favorites, and ill make a nice little trip down memory lane, steroid guy for example, or that angry little person who is always smoking a cig. well thats it for now,
Thanks Bloggers its been a thin slice of heaven.
I love it! The Banquet Beer!