Top MLB Uniforms

1. Dodgers Home White, I think this is the classiest and best looking uniform in all of baseball. Although manny has stained it recently i think it's still the best one out there.

2. St. Louis Cardinals Home White, I love this logo, and the uniform is not overly flashy.

3. Rays home white, This one is actually surprising to me, but i really like this uniform, their uniforms used to be gawd aweful, but these new ones are pretty darn delicious.
Worst MLB Uniforms. Some of these are older.

1. Old SchoolTampa Bay Devil Rays - These just look so tacky that its not even funny. I always think of gerald williams attacking pedro when i think of these uniforms.

2. Old School Pittsburgh Pirates- Trying really hard to not to use the mustard bottle jokes.

3. Old School White Sox- I really hate these for some reason.
NFL Best Uniforms -

1. Green Bay Home Greens- Love the helmets, and with football you gotta take in account the helmet when you decide these. I apologize for the Favre photo, and i know we all know we cant get enough of favre.

2. NY Jets, this kills me but i really do like these uniforms. They made one of the best moves uniform wise, the solid green jets uniforms look as appealing as ... ummm....cant think of something clever, so insert something ugly here.
Only going to have two, don't want to add one just because.
NFL Worst Uniforms

1. Seattle Seahawks - This franchise had good helmets in the past but ugly colors, and these new ones are dreadful

It's 1230 am and i'm tired, if you guys like this ill do basketball and college sports and maybe even hockey if i'm feeling spicy, but i wont call them sweaters cuz that is gay.
I'm excited for the basketball jerseys.