Hello, gotta do a little self tooting because i haven't really. but did my first 5k yesterday, well the first time i ran outside ever really. Did better than i thought i would came in under 29 mins. Lephan did well tieu, haha that's a little inside joke since her name is tieu, said "two" so instead of too i put in tieu, little things like this amuse me greatly, and if you dont like it BACK OFF, or go read shamps' blog at least my gets updated. Speaking of Lephan she had the thats what she said of the day. they gave us breakfast after and she loaded up a bagel with some cream cheese, and said "this is going to feel so good going down my throat" That one is pretty much self explanatory. In the picture John, notice i dont have my goofy smile that you accuse me of evertime im running, especially with a basketball and you cant stop but laugh at it evertime, i'm personally shocked i dont have my tounge out though.
In my infinite quest for knowledge i came across this little fact, Despite its name, Equatorial Guinea doesn’t lie on the Equator, but just north of it. Im sure you are all baffled by this as i was, still trying to get over it. This led me to think of other things that their names don't make any sense, there are lame ones like, the red or yellow sea, obvi they are not going to be that color, or the white rhino is not white. There are other ones that really irk me a little bit, shocking huh, I was trying to think of a bunch but i kind of drew a blank, does anyone know of things that are named a certain way but doenst make any sense?
One other thing i really hate is when you go to a register and they ask you to open up a store card, I can see if they are required to and ask you once and if you say no they shut up. But i really hate the ones that ask you a million times. And every time they ask their tone gets more and more defensive, like you are personally attacking their character for not listening to their enticing sales pitch. They come up with very lame offers, "get a point for every dollar you spend, get 1000 points and get a 10 dollar gift card" OH BOY sign me up so i can spend 1000 and get a free pair of fucking tube socks!!!! Hey Mr/Ms. GED why don't you really say what the thing is, "hey sign up for this high interest credit card with a monthly fee and a minimum monthly purchase plan on it that will rape you in the end to save 5% on your first purchase" At least be honest about it.
I actually got a little fired up about that. Because every time i'm in a store they ask and i start off with a polite "no thanks", then they ask again so i say "nah i'm good" then they keep it up and i say "no" and some of them have the Gaul to keep going and i just want to yell "no thanks i dont want your TJMAX" card to get imperfect clothing made by a 4 year old in Indonesia, that missed a stitch and probably got beat for it, im in here to find good cheap deals, not proud of it, just let me go on my way with my little polo shirt with the small stain on it that i won't realize is there till i get home and will be too lazy to come back, or wont come back because i don't want you to snap your gum in my face while your ringing up my boxer briefs, and i know you look at the sizes and make instant judgements. So NO THANKS!!!
Thanks Bloggers it's been a thin slice of heaven.
Although i dont take offense to the term black person...i am not black, and you're not white. im more of a chocolately brown and youre more a peachy color. Also I am not african so i dont like to be called african american. Just one of my peeves.
ReplyDeleteWhen i used to work at target we used to get written up for not asking people for a card. And if a manager over heard you only asking once you could get in trouble for that too. I get annoyed too but I remember i used to get yelled at all the time cause i refused to harass people.
I definately win the white category. I can't get a tan if my life depended on it. I go from white to red to white.
ReplyDeleteHow come Iceland is green and Greenland is covered in ice. Makes no sense.
Not only thought, but why is Kansas City in Missouri? That has always pissed me off.
Running a 5k is extremely preppy.