Hello World!!. I figured i would throw my two cents in the mix when it comes to the big papi situation. I can't say im shocked or anything, and i cant say im that mad. And i love how all the other fans of teams in ny especially are all happy about this, you cant say anything as terrence said it was roid on roid crime. Everyone was doing them and i cant blame thme, there was no strong tests and they can get a lot more money doing it. I would have done the same thing. And he tested positive in 2003, last time i checked the 2003 world series was won by the florida marlins. He realized the tests were going to be for real and he stopped. That is my thinking and im sticking to that, maybe aaron bleeping boone was the best thing that ould have happened, so the titles are not tainted until it was proved he did them in 2004. Im sure there were plenty of players on the 2003 marlins that are on this list of 104 players, i wish they would just end this and just release the whole thing.
As far as Michael Vick goes, i would love to see him in new england, he wouldnt cost much at all. Like dillon and moss if he screws up he is out of here for very little risk. He is one hell of an athlete and Brady has nothing to worry about, the occasional wildcat or something would be ideal for him, or even put him in the return game. He spent 2 years in jail what else did he have to do besides workout. Belichick could care less about any kind of protesters.
I am using this forum to declair Steven Jackson ip for grabs, so get your offers in.
The beautiful kellster is making dinner so i gotta go eat.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
yet another ride along
I'm going to do another post while riding the T to work. I don't have my fantasy mag andthe metro stand didn't have any left so I figured may as well blog. this is he only time where there are not 75 metros scattered about figures when I need one there isn't one. this T is pretty empty, sitting across from an old preppy c babe wearing suspenders. you don't see that look too often anny more. I think he knows I'm writing about him he keeps looking at me, and it goes without saying but he has a grocery bag with him.
do you ever notice. ertain people at work who love a particular shirt way too much and overwear said shirt? there is a guy at work who I notice weAring at least once a week. it's a cool shirt so I am sure it is the ace in the rotation but you can't trot Josh Beckett out there too many times he will get worn out, you gotta let the scrubs get their shot, so take he advice bill murphy, yeah that's right i called him out there is 0 chance he reads this. I can see wearing pants a lot but not the same shirt it is way too easy to spot. unless he has 5 black polos with white stripes, I should pull a Michael Scott and mark his shirt to see if he wears the
same one again. the old guy I'm sitting next to has the eye glasses string and his wallet in a chain. the reason I'm focusing on him is cuz this train is pretty empty and boring. besides the one standard goth girl with a trombone case.
one thing that I qiiestion but am too lazy to look up, hopefully someone reading this will fill me in. what is he plural of e-mail. I hear people say I got. bunch of emails but is that right? I got a lot of email on that, that sounds better to me. I guess just saying emails is wrong but it's so far in the common vernacular, just like ain't. so if you know or care to throw an opinion dowm let me know.
I think this train is setting a record for the most boring ride ever. there are no interesting characters which is making my job a bit harder. there isn't even thre one person who stands no matter how many open seats there are. I can see bigger people not wanting to squeeeze in but when there is a whole row I don't get it. I. the afternoon it is more explainable because they might be sitting all day for work. but in the morning I don't get it, who does not want to sit down. like the Seinfeld episode where George gets the security guard a chair. one other thing about the t is the loyalty you feel to the person you are sitting next to especially on the old school ones where the two seats are there and that is it for that row. if a seat opens up and you get it, the other person feels like it was their fault I do at least. u gotta have the "I've gone this far mentality" maybe I'm over thinking it but when you see a bunch of empty eats and there are still peolple sitting next to each other it's because I bet they are thinking the same thing and do not want to offend the person, IMHO. watch for it I bet you'll see it.
keepers are due tomorrow and I'm so excited that football is starting soon besides the weather it's the best time of the year.
just saw an interesting interaction this woman spotted a guy she knew and starts talking to him. he looked turned then realized who she was and said hi. you could tell he didn't want to take his headphones off. but he did cuz she's talking a million
miles per second and sat down right n front of him so he's stuck. he even tried holdog the earbuds right up to his ear but she didn't get he hint. so proceeds so make fun of his shirt by asking " oh casual day today?" this leads me to my next thing I hate when you se someone you kind of know but when u pass them u don't know whether to do the head nod or stop and talk. especall dificult when u ad headphones to the equation. it's he worst feeling when u do he head nod and keep walking and u know they wanted to stop and chat cuz u feel like the biggest dick. and at that point u can't really turn back a lose lose situation. just as bad when u stop and chat and I can tell they didn't want to the back pedals are usually a dead givaway.
speaking of headphones I hate when all the greenpeace hippies or children intl people try and stop u to chat. they should be removed fro
duty if they try and talk to a person wearing headphones. I know they have no live cuz they are busy growing dreadlocks but leave me alone if i have headphones in just pretend it is a cell phone. also don't expect me to stop and talk to you at 5:05 when I'm trying to beat he crowd on the T. I don't care about the species of tree you are trying to save in new zealond. well we are pulling into park street as always I don't proof read phone posts so bear with me. thanks.
do you ever notice. ertain people at work who love a particular shirt way too much and overwear said shirt? there is a guy at work who I notice weAring at least once a week. it's a cool shirt so I am sure it is the ace in the rotation but you can't trot Josh Beckett out there too many times he will get worn out, you gotta let the scrubs get their shot, so take he advice bill murphy, yeah that's right i called him out there is 0 chance he reads this. I can see wearing pants a lot but not the same shirt it is way too easy to spot. unless he has 5 black polos with white stripes, I should pull a Michael Scott and mark his shirt to see if he wears the
same one again. the old guy I'm sitting next to has the eye glasses string and his wallet in a chain. the reason I'm focusing on him is cuz this train is pretty empty and boring. besides the one standard goth girl with a trombone case.
one thing that I qiiestion but am too lazy to look up, hopefully someone reading this will fill me in. what is he plural of e-mail. I hear people say I got. bunch of emails but is that right? I got a lot of email on that, that sounds better to me. I guess just saying emails is wrong but it's so far in the common vernacular, just like ain't. so if you know or care to throw an opinion dowm let me know.
I think this train is setting a record for the most boring ride ever. there are no interesting characters which is making my job a bit harder. there isn't even thre one person who stands no matter how many open seats there are. I can see bigger people not wanting to squeeeze in but when there is a whole row I don't get it. I. the afternoon it is more explainable because they might be sitting all day for work. but in the morning I don't get it, who does not want to sit down. like the Seinfeld episode where George gets the security guard a chair. one other thing about the t is the loyalty you feel to the person you are sitting next to especially on the old school ones where the two seats are there and that is it for that row. if a seat opens up and you get it, the other person feels like it was their fault I do at least. u gotta have the "I've gone this far mentality" maybe I'm over thinking it but when you see a bunch of empty eats and there are still peolple sitting next to each other it's because I bet they are thinking the same thing and do not want to offend the person, IMHO. watch for it I bet you'll see it.
keepers are due tomorrow and I'm so excited that football is starting soon besides the weather it's the best time of the year.
just saw an interesting interaction this woman spotted a guy she knew and starts talking to him. he looked turned then realized who she was and said hi. you could tell he didn't want to take his headphones off. but he did cuz she's talking a million
miles per second and sat down right n front of him so he's stuck. he even tried holdog the earbuds right up to his ear but she didn't get he hint. so proceeds so make fun of his shirt by asking " oh casual day today?" this leads me to my next thing I hate when you se someone you kind of know but when u pass them u don't know whether to do the head nod or stop and talk. especall dificult when u ad headphones to the equation. it's he worst feeling when u do he head nod and keep walking and u know they wanted to stop and chat cuz u feel like the biggest dick. and at that point u can't really turn back a lose lose situation. just as bad when u stop and chat and I can tell they didn't want to the back pedals are usually a dead givaway.
speaking of headphones I hate when all the greenpeace hippies or children intl people try and stop u to chat. they should be removed fro
duty if they try and talk to a person wearing headphones. I know they have no live cuz they are busy growing dreadlocks but leave me alone if i have headphones in just pretend it is a cell phone. also don't expect me to stop and talk to you at 5:05 when I'm trying to beat he crowd on the T. I don't care about the species of tree you are trying to save in new zealond. well we are pulling into park street as always I don't proof read phone posts so bear with me. thanks.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Running Diary of Bachelorette Reunion Show
I'm going to try and do my first running diary since the kellster really wants to watch the "reunion" show this would be a good time to start, as I'm stuck here. My first crack at a running diary so be easy on me....
9:43 the show starts at 10, but on now is the bachelor, the heavyweight division. There is a 300+ guy who loves full figured women, and every time they show the person for an interview they show their weights along side, kind of odd.
9:43 the first of what I'm sensing many commercials of the "Funny People" movies, there is always one movie that dominates all commercials.
9:46 The first night at the heavyweight mansion, one girl dove into the pool with a full dress on, then got out and did a cannonball. Real classy, until she tried to get out without using the ladder, real comedy as she struggled. Causing all the other girls to break the "pot calling the kettle black" rule by making fun of her calling her an otter.
9:48 real drama here as Luke the bachelor has to narrow (no pun intended) down the choice of the 20 ladies. These girls have known him for 4 hours and im sure there will be many tears. This got me thinking of other shows that could be heavyweight only shows like this one, real world, fear factor, and survivor man come to mind, to see how long they could go without going to McDonald's. Or the opposite of the biggest loser, where they should take 90 lb people and see if they can add weight to them, i'm such a reallty whore.
9:51 the tension is building as Luke is choosing between all these girls as the slow dark music is playing. Im thinking this would be what is playing in the elevators in hell, real scary and makes you think a zombie is going to jump out. Damn the kellster seems to be into this show, so add that to another season ill have to watch.
9:53 Every interview is filled with either sad or happy tears, this mansion must be jammed stocked with tissues. Somewhere people can not wipe themselves because they bought up all the tissues in the country.
9:54 a 28 year old right before the last "ring" was handed out just proclaimed this might be her last chance to find love is real anxious to be called. So they cut to her with more tears. They will not have enough tissues all season im calling it, i bet in the background of one episode you will see a delivery truck pull up with pallets of tissues. She was not picked so in her mind her life is over. Oh well thanks for coming on national TV and showing your weight and getting eliminated on the first night
9:57 they are showing all the girls that got kicked off and they are all balling, they knew this guy for 4 hours and didnt get any one on one time and they are acting like their favorite snack food got discontinued. I can believe i'm saying this but i want this to end and have the bachelor reunion show to hurry up and get started. All these tears are driving me crazy.
9:59 Luke and the 10 remaining girls have what has to be the biggest group hug in reality tv history. They are showing scenes for the upcoming season, SOOOOO Many tears, and a couple cat fights. ALL white girls for Luke, way to branch out. The show is called More to Love. Stay Tuned
10: thankfully that is over now the reunion show is on, Jillian is back as she chose on of the dudes and got engaged. Bill Simmons and I are in total agreement that this girls is the most "is she hot or not" thoughts in history, if anyone has seen Seinfeld where the woman is hot in certain places and not in others she is like that, very Two Face of her.
10:01 they brought out the bachleortte out from 2 years ago to interview her, the show is only an hour long and they seem to be already running out of material. This is got to be the most scripted reality show in history. More so than the Hills or any of those.
10:03 Kellster and her roommate debating on wheter or not the prior bachleortte had plastic surgery or not, high comedy. Besides boobs, this is a conversation you would not see 2 guys having about an athlete or something. This broad parlayed this into Dancing with the Stars, of course she had surgury, anything for 15 minutes of fame.
10:04 the host said "we saw you on dancing with the stars and good morning america, what is next for you" um how about being an extra in a remake of saved by the bell, because those are not exactly getting roles opposite brad pitt, she is so proud of her new found "celebrity".
10:07 the first commercial, this is going to be a long 53 more minutes, during this break they get into "who is the next bachelor" going over the merits of what it takes to be a bachelor. They are going over their favorites and why they should be the next one. I'm afraid to jump in the conversation and suggest it doenst matter it's all scripted, but they are like 10 year old boys who think WWF is real.
10:10 one of the final 3 dudes from this year Kypton ( nice name vag) is here to get his interview, no where do you see the loser of a title game get their own show for an interview, I bet these guys would rather come in second so they can go the whole season on TV, then get their own show the following season. They are showing highlights of him proclaiming his love for her and, she said no. They have the picture in picture going and we can see his insides turning. He took it like a man though, even with a name like kypton go figure. Too bad the producers didnt make her chose him.
10:12 it's amazing that 25 "abercrombie" models are single and can just take off 5 months of work, and they all have washboard abs, that is very realistic of single life isn't it???
10:13 Kypton is a dead ringer for Tony Romo, where as Jillian is a dead ringer for a bucket of slop sometimes and eve longoria other times. Now she is on stage and he has to face her, you know inside he is real pissed and she has to give all these cliches on why she fell in love with someone else, would have to be kypton right now. Except for the fact that he is a good looking rich guy, boo hoo go nab any girl in the audience because they are more horned up than at weddings.
10:15 this is not a good day for her FYI. wish they would turn down the stage lights a little bit. The first "he's too good for her" dropped by the kellsters roommate, damn i had the under and the over/under was 10:10
10:19 it is no mistake that every chick flick out is being advertised during these commercial breaks. They should do a bachelor fantasy league, the participants amongst women would put fantasy football to shame. The audience is 98% women
10:20 they are bringing out Reid, who was let go in third place only to come back in the finale to get rejected again, this dude must be a cubs fan, because he loves losing apparently. I guess her saying no once was not enough for this "realtor from philly" no wonder philly gets such a bad wrap.
10:22 for all these highlights where she lets a guy down, she always gives them a speech saying they are the best person in the world yet she cant be with them, i wish she would just tell the truth. "i dont like you, you smell" or something like that would make for better ratings, or at least more guys would watch it.
10:24 the host, asking all the hard hitting questions, after watching the highlights of him being rejected, he asks "what emotions are going through your mind" what the hell do you expect him to say. "i love getting rejected" it is like the sideline reporters interviewing an NFL coach down 21-0 at halftime, "so coach how do you feel so far" do they really think these are good questions.
10:26 deep down i wonder if he begged to come back to get another trip to Hawaii out of it, if this is true i owe reid one major apology.
10:27 the crowd is eating up reid and all his emotional confessions from the show, its going to be a major battle between him and kypton to get the most audience members back to their hotel room. "do you feel a piece of you is missing" another hard hitting question from this fraud of a host, even kellster and the roommate laughed at this one, its like watching two sports fans watching the superbowl, nothing could phase them right now. You know this is important because her roommate is always asleep by now, ahh the power of the bachelor
10:30 another ad for "Funny People" this makes 3 in the first 30 mins. each time followed up by the fast and furious on dvd, is someone at abc being lazy and just hitting repeat??
10:32 Pee Break
10:33 They brought out jillian to face reid leading to this exchange J"how are you" R "you look happy" real tension filled here. You can tell he is really pissed until he realizes he will be the next bachelor and extend his 15 mins of fame, he seems real hurt until its his turn in the mansion with 25 single women going after him then he will forget "whatshername" He is saying how he feels and there are many awkward moments of silence, this show is rating really high on the unintentional comedy scale.
10:36 the host 'do you still love her" finally a good question after about a 20 second pause and him glaring at her, he says of course, its getting real thick on stage right now, this dude is not over her, now he is asking her the old "what if i did this game" never a good sign, i can seem him throwing pebbles at her window begging for another shot.
10:38 Reid got his revenge bringing up her other date that had a problem "getting it up" good for reid she is really embarrassed, she's engaged to that guy now. They are taking questions from the audience, this girl just asked him out, shes just short of throwing her panties on stage along with every other girl there. Reid 1 Jillian 0
10:40 i can not think which has more post game this show during commercials or any poker table at foxwoods, they are breaking down every moment of this show while im sitting back enjoying it all, i should have paid admission.
10:44 Now she is alone talking about the guy she did chose, who is a cross between pete sampress and adam carolla, with the combined chest hair of both of them.
10:46 I can see a sex tape "accidentally" being leaked to prolong her career, she is eating up all this attention. Shes going to be a regular on 3am skinamax once she is shot down from all hollywood jobs because she is attractive 50% of the time.
10:48 during the show Ed (the winner) left to go back to his job, and he came back and was allowed back on the show. the host asked "are you glad you came back" man this guy is jim rome, asking all the hard hitting questions, what do you expect him to say "no i'm not glad i came back, i wish i was still single working for god knows who"
10:50 they showed a bunch of girls in the audience crying, if a guy can not get laid in this studio, he should turn his member in, the hormones are so strong right now, its like a wedding on steroids. If i have to hear the audience all collectively go "awwwww" again im going to puke.
10:53 they are going over wedding plans, with 7 mins to go i think this is a good time to wrap it up, I hope you read all the way through and if you did THANKS for reading. It was my first diary and they will get better.
Thanks bloggers it's been a thin slice of heaven.
9:43 the show starts at 10, but on now is the bachelor, the heavyweight division. There is a 300+ guy who loves full figured women, and every time they show the person for an interview they show their weights along side, kind of odd.
9:43 the first of what I'm sensing many commercials of the "Funny People" movies, there is always one movie that dominates all commercials.
9:46 The first night at the heavyweight mansion, one girl dove into the pool with a full dress on, then got out and did a cannonball. Real classy, until she tried to get out without using the ladder, real comedy as she struggled. Causing all the other girls to break the "pot calling the kettle black" rule by making fun of her calling her an otter.
9:48 real drama here as Luke the bachelor has to narrow (no pun intended) down the choice of the 20 ladies. These girls have known him for 4 hours and im sure there will be many tears. This got me thinking of other shows that could be heavyweight only shows like this one, real world, fear factor, and survivor man come to mind, to see how long they could go without going to McDonald's. Or the opposite of the biggest loser, where they should take 90 lb people and see if they can add weight to them, i'm such a reallty whore.
9:51 the tension is building as Luke is choosing between all these girls as the slow dark music is playing. Im thinking this would be what is playing in the elevators in hell, real scary and makes you think a zombie is going to jump out. Damn the kellster seems to be into this show, so add that to another season ill have to watch.
9:53 Every interview is filled with either sad or happy tears, this mansion must be jammed stocked with tissues. Somewhere people can not wipe themselves because they bought up all the tissues in the country.
9:54 a 28 year old right before the last "ring" was handed out just proclaimed this might be her last chance to find love is real anxious to be called. So they cut to her with more tears. They will not have enough tissues all season im calling it, i bet in the background of one episode you will see a delivery truck pull up with pallets of tissues. She was not picked so in her mind her life is over. Oh well thanks for coming on national TV and showing your weight and getting eliminated on the first night
9:57 they are showing all the girls that got kicked off and they are all balling, they knew this guy for 4 hours and didnt get any one on one time and they are acting like their favorite snack food got discontinued. I can believe i'm saying this but i want this to end and have the bachelor reunion show to hurry up and get started. All these tears are driving me crazy.
9:59 Luke and the 10 remaining girls have what has to be the biggest group hug in reality tv history. They are showing scenes for the upcoming season, SOOOOO Many tears, and a couple cat fights. ALL white girls for Luke, way to branch out. The show is called More to Love. Stay Tuned
10: thankfully that is over now the reunion show is on, Jillian is back as she chose on of the dudes and got engaged. Bill Simmons and I are in total agreement that this girls is the most "is she hot or not" thoughts in history, if anyone has seen Seinfeld where the woman is hot in certain places and not in others she is like that, very Two Face of her.
10:01 they brought out the bachleortte out from 2 years ago to interview her, the show is only an hour long and they seem to be already running out of material. This is got to be the most scripted reality show in history. More so than the Hills or any of those.
10:03 Kellster and her roommate debating on wheter or not the prior bachleortte had plastic surgery or not, high comedy. Besides boobs, this is a conversation you would not see 2 guys having about an athlete or something. This broad parlayed this into Dancing with the Stars, of course she had surgury, anything for 15 minutes of fame.
10:04 the host said "we saw you on dancing with the stars and good morning america, what is next for you" um how about being an extra in a remake of saved by the bell, because those are not exactly getting roles opposite brad pitt, she is so proud of her new found "celebrity".
10:07 the first commercial, this is going to be a long 53 more minutes, during this break they get into "who is the next bachelor" going over the merits of what it takes to be a bachelor. They are going over their favorites and why they should be the next one. I'm afraid to jump in the conversation and suggest it doenst matter it's all scripted, but they are like 10 year old boys who think WWF is real.
10:10 one of the final 3 dudes from this year Kypton ( nice name vag) is here to get his interview, no where do you see the loser of a title game get their own show for an interview, I bet these guys would rather come in second so they can go the whole season on TV, then get their own show the following season. They are showing highlights of him proclaiming his love for her and, she said no. They have the picture in picture going and we can see his insides turning. He took it like a man though, even with a name like kypton go figure. Too bad the producers didnt make her chose him.
10:12 it's amazing that 25 "abercrombie" models are single and can just take off 5 months of work, and they all have washboard abs, that is very realistic of single life isn't it???
10:13 Kypton is a dead ringer for Tony Romo, where as Jillian is a dead ringer for a bucket of slop sometimes and eve longoria other times. Now she is on stage and he has to face her, you know inside he is real pissed and she has to give all these cliches on why she fell in love with someone else, would have to be kypton right now. Except for the fact that he is a good looking rich guy, boo hoo go nab any girl in the audience because they are more horned up than at weddings.
10:15 this is not a good day for her FYI. wish they would turn down the stage lights a little bit. The first "he's too good for her" dropped by the kellsters roommate, damn i had the under and the over/under was 10:10
10:19 it is no mistake that every chick flick out is being advertised during these commercial breaks. They should do a bachelor fantasy league, the participants amongst women would put fantasy football to shame. The audience is 98% women
10:20 they are bringing out Reid, who was let go in third place only to come back in the finale to get rejected again, this dude must be a cubs fan, because he loves losing apparently. I guess her saying no once was not enough for this "realtor from philly" no wonder philly gets such a bad wrap.
10:22 for all these highlights where she lets a guy down, she always gives them a speech saying they are the best person in the world yet she cant be with them, i wish she would just tell the truth. "i dont like you, you smell" or something like that would make for better ratings, or at least more guys would watch it.
10:24 the host, asking all the hard hitting questions, after watching the highlights of him being rejected, he asks "what emotions are going through your mind" what the hell do you expect him to say. "i love getting rejected" it is like the sideline reporters interviewing an NFL coach down 21-0 at halftime, "so coach how do you feel so far" do they really think these are good questions.
10:26 deep down i wonder if he begged to come back to get another trip to Hawaii out of it, if this is true i owe reid one major apology.
10:27 the crowd is eating up reid and all his emotional confessions from the show, its going to be a major battle between him and kypton to get the most audience members back to their hotel room. "do you feel a piece of you is missing" another hard hitting question from this fraud of a host, even kellster and the roommate laughed at this one, its like watching two sports fans watching the superbowl, nothing could phase them right now. You know this is important because her roommate is always asleep by now, ahh the power of the bachelor
10:30 another ad for "Funny People" this makes 3 in the first 30 mins. each time followed up by the fast and furious on dvd, is someone at abc being lazy and just hitting repeat??
10:32 Pee Break
10:33 They brought out jillian to face reid leading to this exchange J"how are you" R "you look happy" real tension filled here. You can tell he is really pissed until he realizes he will be the next bachelor and extend his 15 mins of fame, he seems real hurt until its his turn in the mansion with 25 single women going after him then he will forget "whatshername" He is saying how he feels and there are many awkward moments of silence, this show is rating really high on the unintentional comedy scale.
10:36 the host 'do you still love her" finally a good question after about a 20 second pause and him glaring at her, he says of course, its getting real thick on stage right now, this dude is not over her, now he is asking her the old "what if i did this game" never a good sign, i can seem him throwing pebbles at her window begging for another shot.
10:38 Reid got his revenge bringing up her other date that had a problem "getting it up" good for reid she is really embarrassed, she's engaged to that guy now. They are taking questions from the audience, this girl just asked him out, shes just short of throwing her panties on stage along with every other girl there. Reid 1 Jillian 0
10:40 i can not think which has more post game this show during commercials or any poker table at foxwoods, they are breaking down every moment of this show while im sitting back enjoying it all, i should have paid admission.
10:44 Now she is alone talking about the guy she did chose, who is a cross between pete sampress and adam carolla, with the combined chest hair of both of them.
10:46 I can see a sex tape "accidentally" being leaked to prolong her career, she is eating up all this attention. Shes going to be a regular on 3am skinamax once she is shot down from all hollywood jobs because she is attractive 50% of the time.
10:48 during the show Ed (the winner) left to go back to his job, and he came back and was allowed back on the show. the host asked "are you glad you came back" man this guy is jim rome, asking all the hard hitting questions, what do you expect him to say "no i'm not glad i came back, i wish i was still single working for god knows who"
10:50 they showed a bunch of girls in the audience crying, if a guy can not get laid in this studio, he should turn his member in, the hormones are so strong right now, its like a wedding on steroids. If i have to hear the audience all collectively go "awwwww" again im going to puke.
10:53 they are going over wedding plans, with 7 mins to go i think this is a good time to wrap it up, I hope you read all the way through and if you did THANKS for reading. It was my first diary and they will get better.
Thanks bloggers it's been a thin slice of heaven.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Worst First Date Story
I was watching the episode of the office recently where they were talking about their worst first date story. So i decided that i would tell mine, it took place in the eighth grade, my buddy Ben was dating someone and this girl had a sister that was a freshman in highschool. So i talked to her on the phone many times before i met up with her. Her name was rose and she lived in the next city over, if only i knew back then what i know now that it was weird that a freshman girl would want to go out with an eight grader it would have saved me. So anyway the 4 of us decided to go to a movie and me and ben took a cab to their house. I'm not lying when i say she lived in a log cabin on a dirt road. She saw the cab and came up the dirt driveway, and i swear to god this happened"
Me- hey ben look who is that
Ben - That is rose
Me- no seriously who is that
Ben- that is rose your date
Ok now before you think i am a jerk let me let you know that this girl totally lied when describing her self. She was the palest person i have ever met with bleach blonde, and her face looked caved in. So we get to the movie, i was in 8th grade so there was nothing i could do i had to go through with it especially since my buddy was there with his date. Leading up to this i went WAY overboard with my bragging that i was going on a date with a highschool girl. I mean i told everyone, and if someone said hi to me i would lead off with im going out with high schooler and dont need these middle school girls anymore.
So we get to the movies to see I Know What You Did Last Summer, but it was sold out and we had to see For Richer of Poorer - the movie with Tim Allen and Kirsty Alley go to amish country, yeah it was as terrible as it sounds. So we get in the movies and i dont make any moves, and her sister pulls me out in the hallway basically yelling at me saying what am i doing. I didnt want to tell her that her sister was a liar and i was not interested so i basically said yea yea ill be more interested. So we go in there and she grabs my hand to hold hands, and i get up and go get a giagantic tub of popcorn and a giant soda so my hands were occupied. Needless to say she was pissed and i couldnt have cared less. We get back to her house to wait for the cab and my buddy was out back in the tramalien so i just sat there in the living room watching sportscenter while she went in her room. Finally we went home, needless to say i didnt call her anymore, i bet my mom was happy because the bill went down a lot.
So there is my worst first date story feel free to top that, good luck.
Me- hey ben look who is that
Ben - That is rose
Me- no seriously who is that
Ben- that is rose your date
Ok now before you think i am a jerk let me let you know that this girl totally lied when describing her self. She was the palest person i have ever met with bleach blonde, and her face looked caved in. So we get to the movie, i was in 8th grade so there was nothing i could do i had to go through with it especially since my buddy was there with his date. Leading up to this i went WAY overboard with my bragging that i was going on a date with a highschool girl. I mean i told everyone, and if someone said hi to me i would lead off with im going out with high schooler and dont need these middle school girls anymore.
So we get to the movies to see I Know What You Did Last Summer, but it was sold out and we had to see For Richer of Poorer - the movie with Tim Allen and Kirsty Alley go to amish country, yeah it was as terrible as it sounds. So we get in the movies and i dont make any moves, and her sister pulls me out in the hallway basically yelling at me saying what am i doing. I didnt want to tell her that her sister was a liar and i was not interested so i basically said yea yea ill be more interested. So we go in there and she grabs my hand to hold hands, and i get up and go get a giagantic tub of popcorn and a giant soda so my hands were occupied. Needless to say she was pissed and i couldnt have cared less. We get back to her house to wait for the cab and my buddy was out back in the tramalien so i just sat there in the living room watching sportscenter while she went in her room. Finally we went home, needless to say i didnt call her anymore, i bet my mom was happy because the bill went down a lot.
So there is my worst first date story feel free to top that, good luck.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
America has gone soft

I was in the gym the yesterday and i didnt have any headphones on, so i was forced to listen to whatever they had playing on the radio over the loud speakers. The song Take You There was playing by Sean Kingston. For those of you who don't know, the chorus goes
We can go to the tropics
Sip pina coladas
Shorty I could take you there
Or we can go to the slums
Where killers get hung
Shorty I could take you there
So you can see if anything is going to get bleeped out, it would be "where killers get hung right" well NO, the Pina Coladas was bleeped out. Are You Kidding ME!!!!!! i couldn't believe this, i was shocked im still shocked! Tell me one good reason that pina coladas was bleeped out for sean kingston but not for Jimmy Buffet, i smell the race card. speaking of that radio stations are allowed to say the N-word, especially in Florida. They can say that word all over 40 year old virgin but can say pina coladas on the radio. Americans are so afraid to promote anything, and every athlete in the world has to issue an apology for every interview they do, just so they dont offend anyone.
Random side note, the only thing on right now is Fast and Furious and there is cool line, Brian is going to date vin diesels sister and he says "if you break her heart ill break your neck" i should say that to my sisters boyfriend. anyway enough with this ramble i need to get back to my other ramble.
I want to recap one of the most interesting nights in my college career, it was Halloween and me john shamps chirag (shitrag) dan all went to a party on mass ave, yeah thats right not too strange we had no females with us, anyway. It was your typical rocking house party and we met this young lady (i think) named Samia and she was from watertown, and she was real ademit about getting some lip action that night, so she approached dan, john, shitrag and even me, and back then it was a shocker but even i declined and shamps came out of no where to steal the show and after we left gave us a nice make-out scene in the middle of Mass Ave. That made it a good night anyway but the best or worst depending on who you are was yet to come. We all got back to the apartment at davenport B, and we were in john and I's room. And i had my towel for some reason, and i

I always heard the "you dont know what you got till its gone" and i wish i had some profound moment of clarity that made me think of this but the true story is the cleaning crew at work missed my cube last night, and it kind of smelled this morning, I call this the Offensive Lineman syndrome. No one cares about the cleaning crew, but without them, it totally makes a difference. THey come in at night and empty the trash and clean up and the only time anyone ever thinks about them is in a negative way, when was the last time you got to work and thought to yourself "hey im glad they cleaned last night like everynight before this" it doenst happen you walk in, and if you see a mess you think "hey what the hell man, why isnt my trash taken out" This is covered in full by all offensive lineman, the only time you notice them is whne they screw up, or they commit a peanlty. The only time the announcers ever mention them is when there is a flag on the play or they show a highlight where they are getting blown off the ball by an offensive lineman. The only caviat to this is when the commentator is a former offensive lineman. To a lesser extent MLB managers, they get all the blame in the world (and rightfully so, most of the times for example Grady &^$^&$ Little) when it goes wrong they get the blame for making the wrong move, when it goes right the player gets the credit. Granted im complaining that multimillionares are not get noticed so lets move on. In short be thankful for the jobs that get little reconition, like the cleaning crew, the trashmen, the asian woman who goes through our trash and so on and so forth.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
ride the T with me again
I'm going to spend another T Ride blogging my way through. I'm currently waiting for a B line at government center. I hate the E line because from afar it is a tease because it looks like it's going to be a B line. I saw something today that made me realize there are certain tasks that men and women should be able to do based on their sex.
wait before we get to that I gotta make a quick side bar I'm waiting for the T and wondering what goes through peoples mines to think that they are entitled to just casually walk up and cut everyone who is waiting in line. I'm standing here and his little lady just strolled up and stood in front of me so I inched up and she gave me the stink eye. well we will just see once the t gets here I have no hesitation of pushing her aside someone has to teach this person a lesson and I'll take one for all man kind and do my duty.
I'll get back to this in a moment as it seems like every t in the world is coming through here except the B line so I'll get back to my story. damn she got on a D line so that whole digression was for naught. thanks for listening. 3 of the last 4 were D lines officially I'm allowed to proclaim the d line gay. anyway back to my story I was walking to get a coffee and I saw a cab driver trying to change a tire but he had the car jacked up before taking the lug nuts off. so it was pretty funny watching him turn the lug nuts only to have the tire spin along. I wanted to yell " hey numb nuts you gotta take them off before you raise the car up" but the person looked like he had a 3% chance of understanding what I was tying to say.
there are things as men you should be able to accomplish. changing a tire has got to be up there. for anyone who can't, they should have their man card suspended until they complete 2 of the following 3 activities 1. watch all the Rocky movies back to back 2. take something apart in the house and put it back together 3. get in a fight and not go to the ER, don't really recommend this so let's change it to drive somewhere you have never been and not stop for directions. I know this sounds sexist but don't worry ladies there are things that can get your dame card temporally yanked. not being able to sew on a button has got to be right up there. your punishment would be doing two of the following activities 1. bake a cake from scratch 2. watch a ballgame with your boyfriend/husband and the only thing you are allowed to say is "want another beer honey" 3. pump your own gas, yes ladies it is indeed legal for you to pump gas, we are a equal society so get out
there and start pumping ( left that wide open for all sorts of jokes).
this t is jammed good thing I got on at govt center so I was able to get myself a seat. on a completely random side note, I think I'm going to switch from peeing in urinals at work to toilets. now before you call me unamerican or a Nancy boy hear me out. there is virtually 0 splash factor, you get all the privacy in the world. the only down side is when you are not alone it makes a ton of noise to pee in a toilet so u gotta be respectful to someone sitting down to do their business, also you will always be walking out of stalls so anyone walking in assumes you just took a doo doo. that is another thing if you just peed and are washing your hands about to leave and someone comes in, they automatically assign you the blame for the smell it's just not fair
someone just fainted which makes twice in the last 2 days has happened so I'm getting off we are at kenmore so I'm going to take the 57 bus home because this girl is going to cause massive delays she's ok according to her. lost my seat though gonna have to stand on the bus most likely. I would walk home but it's raining. this unexpected switch is killing my drive to keep this going so I'll end here again it's real hard to edit these from my phone so I'll have to edit later. thanks for riding with me.
Im home now, everyone must have had the same idea as me as the 57 was so fulli couldnt even get on, so i went back downstairs at kenmore and hopped onto a B line and went home, was able to get a seat. Terrence pointed out yesterday that the neighbor after a 2 week hiatis is back with his little car, that led me to try and think what he was doing for those two weeks, my guess is that his girlfried finally fed up about the backseat ( no pun intended) she is taking to the car got the best of her and she cried in the car, and i bet he had her completley get the inside washed and replaced. so that is my guess.
wait before we get to that I gotta make a quick side bar I'm waiting for the T and wondering what goes through peoples mines to think that they are entitled to just casually walk up and cut everyone who is waiting in line. I'm standing here and his little lady just strolled up and stood in front of me so I inched up and she gave me the stink eye. well we will just see once the t gets here I have no hesitation of pushing her aside someone has to teach this person a lesson and I'll take one for all man kind and do my duty.
I'll get back to this in a moment as it seems like every t in the world is coming through here except the B line so I'll get back to my story. damn she got on a D line so that whole digression was for naught. thanks for listening. 3 of the last 4 were D lines officially I'm allowed to proclaim the d line gay. anyway back to my story I was walking to get a coffee and I saw a cab driver trying to change a tire but he had the car jacked up before taking the lug nuts off. so it was pretty funny watching him turn the lug nuts only to have the tire spin along. I wanted to yell " hey numb nuts you gotta take them off before you raise the car up" but the person looked like he had a 3% chance of understanding what I was tying to say.
there are things as men you should be able to accomplish. changing a tire has got to be up there. for anyone who can't, they should have their man card suspended until they complete 2 of the following 3 activities 1. watch all the Rocky movies back to back 2. take something apart in the house and put it back together 3. get in a fight and not go to the ER, don't really recommend this so let's change it to drive somewhere you have never been and not stop for directions. I know this sounds sexist but don't worry ladies there are things that can get your dame card temporally yanked. not being able to sew on a button has got to be right up there. your punishment would be doing two of the following activities 1. bake a cake from scratch 2. watch a ballgame with your boyfriend/husband and the only thing you are allowed to say is "want another beer honey" 3. pump your own gas, yes ladies it is indeed legal for you to pump gas, we are a equal society so get out
there and start pumping ( left that wide open for all sorts of jokes).
this t is jammed good thing I got on at govt center so I was able to get myself a seat. on a completely random side note, I think I'm going to switch from peeing in urinals at work to toilets. now before you call me unamerican or a Nancy boy hear me out. there is virtually 0 splash factor, you get all the privacy in the world. the only down side is when you are not alone it makes a ton of noise to pee in a toilet so u gotta be respectful to someone sitting down to do their business, also you will always be walking out of stalls so anyone walking in assumes you just took a doo doo. that is another thing if you just peed and are washing your hands about to leave and someone comes in, they automatically assign you the blame for the smell it's just not fair
someone just fainted which makes twice in the last 2 days has happened so I'm getting off we are at kenmore so I'm going to take the 57 bus home because this girl is going to cause massive delays she's ok according to her. lost my seat though gonna have to stand on the bus most likely. I would walk home but it's raining. this unexpected switch is killing my drive to keep this going so I'll end here again it's real hard to edit these from my phone so I'll have to edit later. thanks for riding with me.
Im home now, everyone must have had the same idea as me as the 57 was so fulli couldnt even get on, so i went back downstairs at kenmore and hopped onto a B line and went home, was able to get a seat. Terrence pointed out yesterday that the neighbor after a 2 week hiatis is back with his little car, that led me to try and think what he was doing for those two weeks, my guess is that his girlfried finally fed up about the backseat ( no pun intended) she is taking to the car got the best of her and she cried in the car, and i bet he had her completley get the inside washed and replaced. so that is my guess.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Is Golf a Sport?
The short version is yes, the long form is what ill get into in order to explain why i think it is a sport. This ongoing argument was fueled again this past weekend when 59 year old Tom Watson was leading the British Open after three rounds, for those of you who dont know this is one of the 4 biggest golf tournaments in the year.
Most people just see that the guy is 59 and throw out the whole "it is not a sport when a guy can be at the top of the field when he is 59" just becasue you dont see that in Football, Baseball, Basketball or even Hockey. In the dictionary sport is defined as
In the end a 59 year old didnt win and I know he got into a playoff and then lost, but you can still be a sport even if older people can do it just from the nature of the sport. Obviously it is not a contact sport so right there you should be able to add on years to your career. The oldest major winner is 46 and there have been players in the NFL, MLB NBA and NHL to play that long. You have to have athletic ability to be a good golfer, just go look at the local course and see all the weekend warriors out there hacking it up. The fact that this guy put 4 good days together out of left field should not condem the whole sport. No one expected him to do this, that is why it is getting so much attention because it is a young mans sport. Don't forget although Tom is 59 he was one of the best golfers of all time. It is not like every 59 year old can go out there and do that, plus they do have to walk and not drive the cart, which is a lot easier said than done. It was nice to see the old guy out there competing but in the end its very very rare to have someone his age compete at that level fro more than a day or so. IMHO golf is a sport might not be as rough and tumble as other sports but you need real athletic ability and great hand eye coordination to excel at it, like you need in other sports.
This gets me to my next topic, on EEI this morning they were talking about Tiger Woods throwing his little tantrums around the course and doing what everyone does when their golf game is off, that is swear throw their clubs and pound them into the ground. THey were talking about how golf is for gentlemen and he shouldnt do that and it got into the whole "athletes are role models" thing, which could be a whole blog post on it self, but ill keep it quick (thats the last thing she wants to hear). Athletes if they like it or not are role models and they shouldnt have to change their behavior for the most part just because they are famous, they just have to be aware, I love how all these fathers called up saying they had to explain to their kids that what tiger was doing is wrong, i gaurentee get them out in a situation where things dont go well and they will react the same way, and they dont have millions of dollars on the line. Let these athletes get emotional they have their whole financial futures based on how well they play. Golf gets a bum wrap for being the preppy gentlemen game, take other sports KG swears up an absolute storm and is loved by all, but if tiger does it, he is being debated as a whiney little baby. People are allowed to get mad when they dont perform well its human nature get off your high horse and deal with it.
Most people just see that the guy is 59 and throw out the whole "it is not a sport when a guy can be at the top of the field when he is 59" just becasue you dont see that in Football, Baseball, Basketball or even Hockey. In the dictionary sport is defined as
Noun - an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.The fact that it is in the difiniton does help my case, but having fishing and hunting in there as well does hurt as a lot of people consider it a game/hobby more than a sport.
In the end a 59 year old didnt win and I know he got into a playoff and then lost, but you can still be a sport even if older people can do it just from the nature of the sport. Obviously it is not a contact sport so right there you should be able to add on years to your career. The oldest major winner is 46 and there have been players in the NFL, MLB NBA and NHL to play that long. You have to have athletic ability to be a good golfer, just go look at the local course and see all the weekend warriors out there hacking it up. The fact that this guy put 4 good days together out of left field should not condem the whole sport. No one expected him to do this, that is why it is getting so much attention because it is a young mans sport. Don't forget although Tom is 59 he was one of the best golfers of all time. It is not like every 59 year old can go out there and do that, plus they do have to walk and not drive the cart, which is a lot easier said than done. It was nice to see the old guy out there competing but in the end its very very rare to have someone his age compete at that level fro more than a day or so. IMHO golf is a sport might not be as rough and tumble as other sports but you need real athletic ability and great hand eye coordination to excel at it, like you need in other sports.
This gets me to my next topic, on EEI this morning they were talking about Tiger Woods throwing his little tantrums around the course and doing what everyone does when their golf game is off, that is swear throw their clubs and pound them into the ground. THey were talking about how golf is for gentlemen and he shouldnt do that and it got into the whole "athletes are role models" thing, which could be a whole blog post on it self, but ill keep it quick (thats the last thing she wants to hear). Athletes if they like it or not are role models and they shouldnt have to change their behavior for the most part just because they are famous, they just have to be aware, I love how all these fathers called up saying they had to explain to their kids that what tiger was doing is wrong, i gaurentee get them out in a situation where things dont go well and they will react the same way, and they dont have millions of dollars on the line. Let these athletes get emotional they have their whole financial futures based on how well they play. Golf gets a bum wrap for being the preppy gentlemen game, take other sports KG swears up an absolute storm and is loved by all, but if tiger does it, he is being debated as a whiney little baby. People are allowed to get mad when they dont perform well its human nature get off your high horse and deal with it.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Potpourri Post
I know a lot of mine are all over the place but this one will have 0 theme at all so i guess ill call it potpourri. It is the simple things in life that can be most rewarding, yesterday I got my email read outloud of the CBS Sportsline Fantasy Football Playbook Podcast, as i'm sure all of you have heard it, so yeah Tom C from Boston is indeed me. I was in the middle of a bench press when i heard it and i was shocked that i had to regain balance of the bar so it wouldnt fall. I have had little success getting my stuff read on air, i got a couple emails read on WEEI, 0 on any matthew berry or bill simmons chat or 0 on any simmons' mailbag, got dave dameshek to respond to an email but just emailed back but didnt read it on air.
One thing i do hate is birthday advertising that people do around the office, very similar to Michael Scott pulling the old "hey someone brought in donoughts for my birthday" and the other person saying Happy Birthday when he indeed brought them in himself. There was a person yesterday going around talking as loud as they can about their birthday, and at one point i swear i caught them waiting for someone to walk down their aisle and then saying something about their birthday. People got them a cake and they had to go around yelling thanks for the birthday cake while looking around to see if anyone heard them so they could give them the obligatory "happy birthdAY". If people really liked you, then you wouldnt need to advertise it and they would have something planned in advance.
I saw a pretty cool moment this morning, i go to a dunkies that is basically a hole in the side of a building, basically a drive up window that you walk up to, enough room for 2 people in there, there is a woman who works there, i think she is middle eastern, that is real good at her job, she will see me in line and have my coffee ready for me without me ordering it. well anyway there were two women in front of me talking about her and when they got to order she had their coffees ready, so one gave her a bouquet of daisies and the other gave her a card saying that they will miss her and have a safe trip home, the woman got choked up and had to wipe away tears, it was a pretty cool move from the two ladies to reward this woman for her hard work, im going to be sad to see her go too.
Speaking of cool moments it always feels good when you do a good deed, i was walking down comm ave yesterday and there were a few people walking in a group and one was putting her phone in her bag but it fell out and she didnt realize it, i saw it grabbed chased her down and gave it back to her, and we all just happened to walk into angora cafe, and they let me cut in line which was nice of them. but when you do stuff like that it feels good, the other week someone dropped a 5 dollar bill and i gave it back. stuff like that people should do, although to be honest i wanted to keep it but i was thinking to my self come one now its a 5 dollar bill whats wrong with you.
I was reading an article on espn about 10 sporting events you would want to see before you die, got me to think. Im going to use things i have never seen before. I would love to see michigan vs. ohio state at the big house. Over 100,000 screaming fans against your most hated rival must be a great atmosphere. I would not really want to see a superbowl because the crowd is filled with corportate types that could give a shit less about the game, i would much rather go see an AFC title game in Foxboro at night while snowing, that would be awesome. I would love to follow tiger and phil on a final round of a major both going for the lead, that would be an amazing 4 hours. I've been to yankees/sox games in both places so that doesnt count. I would actually want to go to a world cup soccer match just for the atmosphere. Speaking of atmosphere being at a duke/unc game at duke would be a crazy feeling although i would have no interest in the outcome. Kentucky Derby, Preakness, Belmont and the Breeders Cup would all be amazing. My dad has always wanted to see the Rose Bowl, that was before the BCS screwed this up, it used to be the big 10 vs. the Pac 10, but every couple years its the title game. I would love to see the three point shootout/dunk contest in person. If the PGA guys did a drive contest or try and hit the ball catcher cart that would be amazing too.
One thing i do hate is birthday advertising that people do around the office, very similar to Michael Scott pulling the old "hey someone brought in donoughts for my birthday" and the other person saying Happy Birthday when he indeed brought them in himself. There was a person yesterday going around talking as loud as they can about their birthday, and at one point i swear i caught them waiting for someone to walk down their aisle and then saying something about their birthday. People got them a cake and they had to go around yelling thanks for the birthday cake while looking around to see if anyone heard them so they could give them the obligatory "happy birthdAY". If people really liked you, then you wouldnt need to advertise it and they would have something planned in advance.
I saw a pretty cool moment this morning, i go to a dunkies that is basically a hole in the side of a building, basically a drive up window that you walk up to, enough room for 2 people in there, there is a woman who works there, i think she is middle eastern, that is real good at her job, she will see me in line and have my coffee ready for me without me ordering it. well anyway there were two women in front of me talking about her and when they got to order she had their coffees ready, so one gave her a bouquet of daisies and the other gave her a card saying that they will miss her and have a safe trip home, the woman got choked up and had to wipe away tears, it was a pretty cool move from the two ladies to reward this woman for her hard work, im going to be sad to see her go too.
Speaking of cool moments it always feels good when you do a good deed, i was walking down comm ave yesterday and there were a few people walking in a group and one was putting her phone in her bag but it fell out and she didnt realize it, i saw it grabbed chased her down and gave it back to her, and we all just happened to walk into angora cafe, and they let me cut in line which was nice of them. but when you do stuff like that it feels good, the other week someone dropped a 5 dollar bill and i gave it back. stuff like that people should do, although to be honest i wanted to keep it but i was thinking to my self come one now its a 5 dollar bill whats wrong with you.
I was reading an article on espn about 10 sporting events you would want to see before you die, got me to think. Im going to use things i have never seen before. I would love to see michigan vs. ohio state at the big house. Over 100,000 screaming fans against your most hated rival must be a great atmosphere. I would not really want to see a superbowl because the crowd is filled with corportate types that could give a shit less about the game, i would much rather go see an AFC title game in Foxboro at night while snowing, that would be awesome. I would love to follow tiger and phil on a final round of a major both going for the lead, that would be an amazing 4 hours. I've been to yankees/sox games in both places so that doesnt count. I would actually want to go to a world cup soccer match just for the atmosphere. Speaking of atmosphere being at a duke/unc game at duke would be a crazy feeling although i would have no interest in the outcome. Kentucky Derby, Preakness, Belmont and the Breeders Cup would all be amazing. My dad has always wanted to see the Rose Bowl, that was before the BCS screwed this up, it used to be the big 10 vs. the Pac 10, but every couple years its the title game. I would love to see the three point shootout/dunk contest in person. If the PGA guys did a drive contest or try and hit the ball catcher cart that would be amazing too.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Maine Trip Wrap-up
It was a great weekend we had up in Maine with the kellster and her family, first off the water was 20 yards from the back porch, and this house was brand new filled with brand new appliances, which leads me to believe i'm not supposed to have a ton of money because these appliances were pretty damn tricky to figure out, didnt realize they make washer and dryers so complicated, becuase the house was start of the art and great.
To be more specific, we went up to Wells, ME and for those of you who haven't been, which i bet is everyone reading this, this a more WT version of the Cape but we stayed in the nicer part of wells on the beach. The supermarket was filled with women who had sleeve tattoos and im not lying when i say i saw 3 different dudes with nascar numbers tattooed on their bodies which even lead to a semi-heated exchange in the cracker aisle (no cracker was not used as a joke i was actually in the cracker aisle) about their favorite drivers because both guys had different numbers inked on their arms, and by the size of these guys they whole car could have been inked on, not being mean but it was a 850 lb argument and only two people in it.
The main shopping plaza that had the hannefords in it, had a bank of america branch which we needed to visit, so we tried to go inside on a Saturday night only to realize that there is no inside atm, we had just gotten to wells, so we didn't realize what kind of town it was, the only option was a drive through and her dad had taken the car and went and parked it, so we had to walk through the drive thru, with one car in front of us and another car waiting behind it, i have never felt so awkward and amused in my life, the car behind us gave us a 20 feet buffer zone. The mom in the mini van infront of us must have though we were meth heads or something.
On Sunday night we went to see a movie, the one with Johnny Depp, it was pretty good but kind of long, anyway we were the only ones in there and we were in the last row, and picture this theatre straight out of the 1980's, and right before it started a young teenage couple came in, and they didnt notice us, no one else came in, at the end of the movie, these kids who thought they were alone, as soon as the lights came on their heads popped up from the floor, the guy was getting up while putting his pants on, he caught sight of me and at this point i was staring and he absolutely froze, it was one of the funniest things i have been apart of, they gave us plenty of time to leave so they wouldn't run into us again, but we walked slow, mostly because we were too busy making jokes about them. on the floor of a dirty theatre really guy? anyway the best part is they go out to the parking lot both get in separate cars without exchanging any kind of goodbye, real classy.
I was running on the beach one morning and saw a baby seal on the beach, with a crowd of people surronding it, i love when people kneel right up to it, like they are going to do something. "dont worry i watch the discovery channel" I have never seen a seal before so that was pretty cool. The water was numbing and very painful to go into it. we played a lot of card games, she had her 13 month old niece up there so we played with the baby a lot.
There was a pretty good thats what she said moment, we went to kennybunkport and her dad was trying to park and there was a car leaving that had its reverse lights on, but didnt move right away so her dad kept saying "are you gonna pull out yet" over and over again, thankfully i bit my tounge and didnt say anything becuase im sure that would have have gone over well. overall a very fun weekend/early part of the week.
To be more specific, we went up to Wells, ME and for those of you who haven't been, which i bet is everyone reading this, this a more WT version of the Cape but we stayed in the nicer part of wells on the beach. The supermarket was filled with women who had sleeve tattoos and im not lying when i say i saw 3 different dudes with nascar numbers tattooed on their bodies which even lead to a semi-heated exchange in the cracker aisle (no cracker was not used as a joke i was actually in the cracker aisle) about their favorite drivers because both guys had different numbers inked on their arms, and by the size of these guys they whole car could have been inked on, not being mean but it was a 850 lb argument and only two people in it.
The main shopping plaza that had the hannefords in it, had a bank of america branch which we needed to visit, so we tried to go inside on a Saturday night only to realize that there is no inside atm, we had just gotten to wells, so we didn't realize what kind of town it was, the only option was a drive through and her dad had taken the car and went and parked it, so we had to walk through the drive thru, with one car in front of us and another car waiting behind it, i have never felt so awkward and amused in my life, the car behind us gave us a 20 feet buffer zone. The mom in the mini van infront of us must have though we were meth heads or something.
On Sunday night we went to see a movie, the one with Johnny Depp, it was pretty good but kind of long, anyway we were the only ones in there and we were in the last row, and picture this theatre straight out of the 1980's, and right before it started a young teenage couple came in, and they didnt notice us, no one else came in, at the end of the movie, these kids who thought they were alone, as soon as the lights came on their heads popped up from the floor, the guy was getting up while putting his pants on, he caught sight of me and at this point i was staring and he absolutely froze, it was one of the funniest things i have been apart of, they gave us plenty of time to leave so they wouldn't run into us again, but we walked slow, mostly because we were too busy making jokes about them. on the floor of a dirty theatre really guy? anyway the best part is they go out to the parking lot both get in separate cars without exchanging any kind of goodbye, real classy.
I was running on the beach one morning and saw a baby seal on the beach, with a crowd of people surronding it, i love when people kneel right up to it, like they are going to do something. "dont worry i watch the discovery channel" I have never seen a seal before so that was pretty cool. The water was numbing and very painful to go into it. we played a lot of card games, she had her 13 month old niece up there so we played with the baby a lot.
There was a pretty good thats what she said moment, we went to kennybunkport and her dad was trying to park and there was a car leaving that had its reverse lights on, but didnt move right away so her dad kept saying "are you gonna pull out yet" over and over again, thankfully i bit my tounge and didnt say anything becuase im sure that would have have gone over well. overall a very fun weekend/early part of the week.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Top 10 Worst Names in Sports
10. Michael Jackson WR Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens- This one is pretty obvious, even though he had less than stellar career, no matter how big he got he would never pass his more famous namesake, very similar to michael bolton in Office Space. This guy probably heard so many jokes during his little NFL career. This guy played 8 years in the NFL after being drafted in '91.

9. Bimbo Coles PG bunch of teams including Celtics - real name being Vernell Eufaye ("Bimbo") Coles, now i can see why he went with bimbo, with that original name you could have gone with moron coles, faggy coles, dipshit coles even hot coles, and it still would have been a lot better, but why not go with eric or something like that why bimbo. Interesting fact he was drafted in the MLB draft
8. Coco Crisp CF Cleveland/Boston/ KC- i think he name is covelli but still why in the world subject yourself to all the torments of coco crisp. i remember being pumped when the Sox got him, then again i remember calling my dad all excited when they got matt clement so what do i know.

7. Chris Fuamatu-Ma'afala RB Pittsburgh/Jacksonville- Probably one of the funniest names to say, he had the body of Jerome Bettis with the face and hair of Troy Polamalu
6. Kimo K. von Oelhoffen DL Steelers and Jets- He is going to be most famous for being the guy that injured Carson Palmer's Knee.
5. Natrone Means- Very hyped running back coming out of college and had a terrible career, his name sounds like he belongs as a character in the Transformers Movies. What were his parents thinking, what the hell does natrone mean.

4. Dikembe Mutumbo - i'm a little hesitant to use him because he is foreign but when your real full name is Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutombo, you deserve to be on this list. Stuart Scott used to say his full name all the time, besides his lazy eye thats the only thing i like about him BOO YA.
3. Lynn Swan WR Pitt - Can a football player have a gayer name? He is a hall of famer on the field but how does this name strike fear in your heart.
2. Dick Butkus- What were his parents thinking, gotta give him credit for going by dick and not richard, you have to be tough as nails to have a name like that. he was one tough son of a bitch on the field.

1. Rusty Kuntz- Drafted in 1977 by the Chicago White Sox, do i really need to say more?
Notable Mentions - Ashly Leilei a close second to lynn swan for weakest name, Flozell Adams, Dino Raja, Jiri Welsh, Sabastian Telfair
I was hoping there was a famous person named richard brown or white, so they could go by dick, so in roll call they could have their teachers say " black dick? is there a black dick here??

9. Bimbo Coles PG bunch of teams including Celtics - real name being Vernell Eufaye ("Bimbo") Coles, now i can see why he went with bimbo, with that original name you could have gone with moron coles, faggy coles, dipshit coles even hot coles, and it still would have been a lot better, but why not go with eric or something like that why bimbo. Interesting fact he was drafted in the MLB draft
8. Coco Crisp CF Cleveland/Boston/ KC- i think he name is covelli but still why in the world subject yourself to all the torments of coco crisp. i remember being pumped when the Sox got him, then again i remember calling my dad all excited when they got matt clement so what do i know.

7. Chris Fuamatu-Ma'afala RB Pittsburgh/Jacksonville- Probably one of the funniest names to say, he had the body of Jerome Bettis with the face and hair of Troy Polamalu
6. Kimo K. von Oelhoffen DL Steelers and Jets- He is going to be most famous for being the guy that injured Carson Palmer's Knee.
5. Natrone Means- Very hyped running back coming out of college and had a terrible career, his name sounds like he belongs as a character in the Transformers Movies. What were his parents thinking, what the hell does natrone mean.

4. Dikembe Mutumbo - i'm a little hesitant to use him because he is foreign but when your real full name is Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutombo, you deserve to be on this list. Stuart Scott used to say his full name all the time, besides his lazy eye thats the only thing i like about him BOO YA.
3. Lynn Swan WR Pitt - Can a football player have a gayer name? He is a hall of famer on the field but how does this name strike fear in your heart.
2. Dick Butkus- What were his parents thinking, gotta give him credit for going by dick and not richard, you have to be tough as nails to have a name like that. he was one tough son of a bitch on the field.

1. Rusty Kuntz- Drafted in 1977 by the Chicago White Sox, do i really need to say more?
Notable Mentions - Ashly Leilei a close second to lynn swan for weakest name, Flozell Adams, Dino Raja, Jiri Welsh, Sabastian Telfair
I was hoping there was a famous person named richard brown or white, so they could go by dick, so in roll call they could have their teachers say " black dick? is there a black dick here??
on the t right now.
I decided to write this while I am sitting on the T. I am currently on the B line so if you sense an angry tone to this post you'll know why. plus this morning I slammed my bedroom door on my finger, it hurt so bad. why do old people feel they have the right to cut in front of people when the train is arriving. it is almost qithout fail that this will happy, I just feel like saying " hey ethel wait your turn like everyone else" and furthermore where are all these retirees going anyway? there must be a matlock or murder she wrote convention in town that I was unaware of. then there are other people who I call " bullrushers" they get on to a full T with a full head of steam hoping for a seat. I love when they walk around looking for a seat like somehow all 37 of us standing somehow missed it, but their eyesight and mental capacity to figure out there is still a seat left must be a lot greater than ours.
I am seeing about a 60-40 ratio of music listeners to book readers currently and one sleeper. I love seeing people wake up on the t. they have no idea where they are or what stop we are at and frantically try and look outside to see if they can tell by looking at what part of comm ave we are on. I fell asleep a few times on the way home from the t and each time the announcement of my stop woke me up. I woke up realized the door was open and just made it each time, never fallen asleep on the way in though. did however get wrapped up in a crossword puzzle and went right by my stop thankfully the one after mine is the last one and it's not a far walk. if I was on the redline that day would have ended up at alewife or something. it's so funny to watch when the t starts and everyone standing loses their balance for a few seconds. it's awkward to bump into people when they are trying to keep their own balance. but there is always one person who must have the worlds shortest memory because after every stop when the T jerks forward again they almost fall everytime.
I think the ratio of music listeners just climbed when 15 bu kids just got on. those people are right that people our age don't seem to read enough. all the people reading seem to be of advanced age. a litle disclaimer I'm doing this on my phone so it is prolly going to be tough to proof read so I'm not going to bother with it.
it is only July 8th (7 months today with kellster) and I'm so wrapped up in NFL/ fantasy it's not even funny it gets earlier and earlier every year for me. having trouble deciding on my keepers. I know there are more important issues going on in the world but I'm shallow what can I say, I would hands down watch a football game over a presidential debate anyday.
one more thing that I don't get I see a few people doing this as we speak. or as I type rather. how can u read a book and listen to headphones at the same time. I tried reading stuff while listening to podcasts and I always seem to focus on the reading material and the stuff comng out of the headphones always seems to be ignored, I see people doing this all the time and it's a little baffeling. do you really need backround music while you read harry potter as a 40 year old??? Between that and twilight a few months ago it seems like all these adults are stealing their pre-teens books from their rooms before they head off for work. currently passing copley at the moment which means only two more stops before I get to work a whole nother day!!! this afternoon is going to suck because of all the red sox T traffic. I love when people wearing red sox stuff get crammed way in the back and when we get to kenmore they start yelling excuse me. I always wanna say "look around see all these people with redsox clothing, they're geting off too don't think you're so special becuase your baby daddy scored two standing room tickets by being employee of the week. just wait tour turn everyone is getting off. (that's what the orgy porn director said). small things like that drive me nuts clearly everone on this t is going to the game and it's usually at 515 so you got plenty of time, no need to make a huge scene just because you were. lever enough to have on your original ortiz jersey you must be a die hard fan. well that's it for now thanks b loggers for taking the ride with me this morning
I am seeing about a 60-40 ratio of music listeners to book readers currently and one sleeper. I love seeing people wake up on the t. they have no idea where they are or what stop we are at and frantically try and look outside to see if they can tell by looking at what part of comm ave we are on. I fell asleep a few times on the way home from the t and each time the announcement of my stop woke me up. I woke up realized the door was open and just made it each time, never fallen asleep on the way in though. did however get wrapped up in a crossword puzzle and went right by my stop thankfully the one after mine is the last one and it's not a far walk. if I was on the redline that day would have ended up at alewife or something. it's so funny to watch when the t starts and everyone standing loses their balance for a few seconds. it's awkward to bump into people when they are trying to keep their own balance. but there is always one person who must have the worlds shortest memory because after every stop when the T jerks forward again they almost fall everytime.
I think the ratio of music listeners just climbed when 15 bu kids just got on. those people are right that people our age don't seem to read enough. all the people reading seem to be of advanced age. a litle disclaimer I'm doing this on my phone so it is prolly going to be tough to proof read so I'm not going to bother with it.
it is only July 8th (7 months today with kellster) and I'm so wrapped up in NFL/ fantasy it's not even funny it gets earlier and earlier every year for me. having trouble deciding on my keepers. I know there are more important issues going on in the world but I'm shallow what can I say, I would hands down watch a football game over a presidential debate anyday.
one more thing that I don't get I see a few people doing this as we speak. or as I type rather. how can u read a book and listen to headphones at the same time. I tried reading stuff while listening to podcasts and I always seem to focus on the reading material and the stuff comng out of the headphones always seems to be ignored, I see people doing this all the time and it's a little baffeling. do you really need backround music while you read harry potter as a 40 year old??? Between that and twilight a few months ago it seems like all these adults are stealing their pre-teens books from their rooms before they head off for work. currently passing copley at the moment which means only two more stops before I get to work a whole nother day!!! this afternoon is going to suck because of all the red sox T traffic. I love when people wearing red sox stuff get crammed way in the back and when we get to kenmore they start yelling excuse me. I always wanna say "look around see all these people with redsox clothing, they're geting off too don't think you're so special becuase your baby daddy scored two standing room tickets by being employee of the week. just wait tour turn everyone is getting off. (that's what the orgy porn director said). small things like that drive me nuts clearly everone on this t is going to the game and it's usually at 515 so you got plenty of time, no need to make a huge scene just because you were. lever enough to have on your original ortiz jersey you must be a die hard fan. well that's it for now thanks b loggers for taking the ride with me this morning
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Phew thank god it rained!
boy that was a close one, we don't have to worry about a potential drought since it hadn't rained in 48 hours. Speaking of rain i hate being above 5 foot 10 because its like walking through a mine field when everyone has their umbrella, some of these umbrellas can house a family of 4. that is why i dispise umbrellas, and furthermore no one uses ettiquite while using them, they just walk around like nothing has changed, um excuse me you have a 3 foot halo over your head with points on it.
The biggest thing i hate about them is when people go up the escalator at Park St. and then look outside the glass door and see that it is raining and decide right there that it is time to stop right in front of the door to search their suitcase sized purse for their umbrella. Oh go ahead don't worry there is no one leaving the T station at 8:30 on a weekday, no not at all just go ahead and block the entrence ill wait.
Just got word the kellster is making haddock tonight SO Pumped for that. gotta go see an apartment with little wankers sorry for the short post. ill make up for it i promise.
The biggest thing i hate about them is when people go up the escalator at Park St. and then look outside the glass door and see that it is raining and decide right there that it is time to stop right in front of the door to search their suitcase sized purse for their umbrella. Oh go ahead don't worry there is no one leaving the T station at 8:30 on a weekday, no not at all just go ahead and block the entrence ill wait.
Just got word the kellster is making haddock tonight SO Pumped for that. gotta go see an apartment with little wankers sorry for the short post. ill make up for it i promise.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Delayed Update
It's been awhile since i have updated this masterpiece, i have been a little busy between visiting the kelsters fam and then mine that leaves little time to express my thought via blog. I will get back to my jersey list of 50-100 a little later down the roud because i'm sure you are all waiting with baited breath.
I was thinking about when you are in a hallway, and you try to go one way and they who are walking towards you also try to go the same way, and you do that stutter step and they do it, and you try and go the other way and they do, and sometimes you even try and go back the original way and they do too, I HATE that, no matter what you feel like a tool bag, and there is no way of getting around it, and you have to smile and either giggle or say sorry, i wish someone had the stone to say "hey you screwed up by going the wrong way" i wouldnt even be mad at someone if they said that to me, its just one of those unavoidable awkward moments. there are similar ones with cars and pedistrians. It's a downfall to be too nice some times becuase when two people are trying to wave eachother one then it causes a hallway traffic jam. Same thing happenes in Shaws with shopping carts, at least there you can get mad and ram your way through, but no one ever does because we have all gone soft, me included, i wish i had the stones to do that but no one wants to be "that guy" especially at work becasue just like all offices word spreads faster than aids in san fransisco, too soon?
It is a great time to be non famous, it seems like in the last 60days if you are famous you have a 88% chance of dying. Michael Jackson, Ed Mcmahon, Billy Mays, Steve Mcnair Farrah Fawcett, Bea Arthur, David Carradine and Karl Malden, just too many famous people dying recently. Now im sure all those 21 year old furture playboy bunnies that are serviing the grand slam breakfast at dennys while waiting to be discovered are glad that their time has not come yet.
Tiger Watch currently shamps has been playing tiger woods for the last 85 of 110 hours.
I hope cookie is reading this, if so Congrats on getting engaged, if joe lang was not an option kyle is a great fallback.
There was an old woman who was at the stop and shop deli counter today and the place was obviously packed and she had to sample every type of meat she got and said "sliced razor thin" 56 times, if i heard that a couple more times i would have cracked, then she was of these people that wanted to have a conversation with the person, and they would walk to the other side to get the meat she wanted and she couldnt wait to get her point across so she decided to shout her nonsense, i hate people like that.
After we went to the fire works we were walking back and we were infront of a group of drunk college kids having an in depth conversation....
I think this is enough for now. Ill be back later.
I was thinking about when you are in a hallway, and you try to go one way and they who are walking towards you also try to go the same way, and you do that stutter step and they do it, and you try and go the other way and they do, and sometimes you even try and go back the original way and they do too, I HATE that, no matter what you feel like a tool bag, and there is no way of getting around it, and you have to smile and either giggle or say sorry, i wish someone had the stone to say "hey you screwed up by going the wrong way" i wouldnt even be mad at someone if they said that to me, its just one of those unavoidable awkward moments. there are similar ones with cars and pedistrians. It's a downfall to be too nice some times becuase when two people are trying to wave eachother one then it causes a hallway traffic jam. Same thing happenes in Shaws with shopping carts, at least there you can get mad and ram your way through, but no one ever does because we have all gone soft, me included, i wish i had the stones to do that but no one wants to be "that guy" especially at work becasue just like all offices word spreads faster than aids in san fransisco, too soon?
It is a great time to be non famous, it seems like in the last 60days if you are famous you have a 88% chance of dying. Michael Jackson, Ed Mcmahon, Billy Mays, Steve Mcnair Farrah Fawcett, Bea Arthur, David Carradine and Karl Malden, just too many famous people dying recently. Now im sure all those 21 year old furture playboy bunnies that are serviing the grand slam breakfast at dennys while waiting to be discovered are glad that their time has not come yet.
Tiger Watch currently shamps has been playing tiger woods for the last 85 of 110 hours.
I hope cookie is reading this, if so Congrats on getting engaged, if joe lang was not an option kyle is a great fallback.
There was an old woman who was at the stop and shop deli counter today and the place was obviously packed and she had to sample every type of meat she got and said "sliced razor thin" 56 times, if i heard that a couple more times i would have cracked, then she was of these people that wanted to have a conversation with the person, and they would walk to the other side to get the meat she wanted and she couldnt wait to get her point across so she decided to shout her nonsense, i hate people like that.
After we went to the fire works we were walking back and we were infront of a group of drunk college kids having an in depth conversation....
Imagine being a vietnamese person in vietnam fighting against the americans and seeing flying tanks coming and wiping out all your friends, the other guy said " what do you mean flying tanks" the first guy said "helicopters these people have never see helicopter before in their life im sure they must have pissed themselvesIt was quite the conversation to listen to and at the same time be worred for the state the nation that they actually think like this.
I think this is enough for now. Ill be back later.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Im back with the rest of the list, just like the first part these are all off the top of my head.
26. Nothing comes to mind but prolly Lou Merloni, who i saw the other day with his preggers wife going into a preppy designer jeans place. I wanted to stalk him, but then again all he was was nomars little butt buddy.
27. First one that comes to mind is Steve Atwater, for those of you who dont know he was a hard hitting saftey for the Broncos back in elways days, boy do i love me some steve atwater. I guess you can say Vlad or Fisk is the best 27.

28. Doug Mirabelli - What a stud, a fan favorite is the purest sense of the word.
Good to see dougie doing well selling houses and not throwing nomar in lockers and peeing on him.
29. Shea "big dome" HIllenbrand, its hard to say if his head is bigger than bigheads from northeastern. Eric Dickerson is good and probably the best to dawn the 29.
30. Mark "i swear to god im funky" Blout. The NBA player that everyone wants on their team.
31. Reggie Miller comes to mind first when i think of 31. who is a good candidate for the first team all nba ugliest players in the league.
32. I like Shaq-fu when he was on the magic, speaking of magic he was a great 32 as well so is good ole' kevin mchale who gave us kevin garnett gift wrapped.
33. Hard to have a 33 without thiking of larry bird. Kevin Faulk is one of my personal favs for the number, one of the most underrated patriots in recent memory.

34. I always think of Thurman Thomas, he had the ugliest facemask but hall of famer when it came to running the ball.
35. Northeastern's own Reggie Lewis. Good ad for NU to have their best player die of drugs, look out jose juan stay clean.
36. I always think of Rasheed Wallace jerome bettis also comes to mind. "why do they call him bus" "because he is afraid to fly"
37. I love rodney harrison here and since there are very few 37's that are popular he takes it hands down, the only other possible one i can think of is frank castillo.
38. Curt Schilling Who doesnt love bloody socks.
39. Steven Jackson, i personally love and hate this guy so much talent cant decide if i want to keep him this year in fantasy football.
40. I LOVE DINO RADJA - he was such a stud muffin in every sense of the word.
41. Curtis Leskanic? Dirk? other than that not too many 41's
42. So many options here Mo Riveria, Mo Vaugh, Ben Jarvis Green Ellis, so many studs.
43. Allen Embree - the only pitcher that was worked harder than scott proctor.
44. Jason Bay is the newest memory for this number for me.
45. I think of pedro, michael jordan and otis smith. Otis is near and dear to me, loved watching him grow up, he had a pick 6 in the first ever NFL game i attended where the pats destroyed the colts in Bradys first career NFL start.
46. Jacoby is so hot he makes me all wet in my pantaloons.
47. I can think of Tom Glavin and that is just about it for that number.
48. Stephen Davis always comes to mind, he used to be so good in fantasy football but then got to be about 400 lbs and couldnt tote the rock anymore.
49. Timmy Wakefield- The best shortstop turned knuckleball pitcher in MLB History.
That will do it for this portion of the blog, back soon to complete the list.
26. Nothing comes to mind but prolly Lou Merloni, who i saw the other day with his preggers wife going into a preppy designer jeans place. I wanted to stalk him, but then again all he was was nomars little butt buddy.
27. First one that comes to mind is Steve Atwater, for those of you who dont know he was a hard hitting saftey for the Broncos back in elways days, boy do i love me some steve atwater. I guess you can say Vlad or Fisk is the best 27.

28. Doug Mirabelli - What a stud, a fan favorite is the purest sense of the word.
Doug Mirabelli has joined Coldwell Banker Schmidt Realtors as a full-time sales associate working out of the 522 East Front Street office.
Prior to joining Coldwell Banker Schmidt Realtors, Mirabelli played professional Baseball, winning two World Series with the Boston Red Sox. A native of Las Vegas, Nevada, Mirabelli met his now wife, Kristin while both were attending Wichita State, where she was an All-American Softball Player. They have been residents of Traverse City for the past 5 years, and have three children.
Good to see dougie doing well selling houses and not throwing nomar in lockers and peeing on him.
29. Shea "big dome" HIllenbrand, its hard to say if his head is bigger than bigheads from northeastern. Eric Dickerson is good and probably the best to dawn the 29.
30. Mark "i swear to god im funky" Blout. The NBA player that everyone wants on their team.
31. Reggie Miller comes to mind first when i think of 31. who is a good candidate for the first team all nba ugliest players in the league.
32. I like Shaq-fu when he was on the magic, speaking of magic he was a great 32 as well so is good ole' kevin mchale who gave us kevin garnett gift wrapped.
33. Hard to have a 33 without thiking of larry bird. Kevin Faulk is one of my personal favs for the number, one of the most underrated patriots in recent memory.

34. I always think of Thurman Thomas, he had the ugliest facemask but hall of famer when it came to running the ball.
35. Northeastern's own Reggie Lewis. Good ad for NU to have their best player die of drugs, look out jose juan stay clean.
36. I always think of Rasheed Wallace jerome bettis also comes to mind. "why do they call him bus" "because he is afraid to fly"
37. I love rodney harrison here and since there are very few 37's that are popular he takes it hands down, the only other possible one i can think of is frank castillo.
38. Curt Schilling Who doesnt love bloody socks.
39. Steven Jackson, i personally love and hate this guy so much talent cant decide if i want to keep him this year in fantasy football.
40. I LOVE DINO RADJA - he was such a stud muffin in every sense of the word.
41. Curtis Leskanic? Dirk? other than that not too many 41's
42. So many options here Mo Riveria, Mo Vaugh, Ben Jarvis Green Ellis, so many studs.
43. Allen Embree - the only pitcher that was worked harder than scott proctor.
44. Jason Bay is the newest memory for this number for me.
45. I think of pedro, michael jordan and otis smith. Otis is near and dear to me, loved watching him grow up, he had a pick 6 in the first ever NFL game i attended where the pats destroyed the colts in Bradys first career NFL start.
46. Jacoby is so hot he makes me all wet in my pantaloons.
47. I can think of Tom Glavin and that is just about it for that number.
48. Stephen Davis always comes to mind, he used to be so good in fantasy football but then got to be about 400 lbs and couldnt tote the rock anymore.
49. Timmy Wakefield- The best shortstop turned knuckleball pitcher in MLB History.
That will do it for this portion of the blog, back soon to complete the list.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Jersey Numbers

I was listening to Dennis and Callahan this morning and they were reading an article for the athletes that did the most justice to their numbers of all time. They go through each jersey number and not necessarily pick the best player but more for the more memorable and stuff like that, i only heard a snippet of it, and decided to go through my own, these are off the top of me old noggin, im going to pick the first that comes to mind and so on. So let's get into it.
00. First (being first that comes to mind)- Robert Parish - The only thing higher than his number in the rafters is probably the chief himself, haha see what i did there i pulled a marijuana joke.
Best- He doubles as the best as well
Worst- Cant think of any others that had this weird jersey number
O.First - Walter "WaltaHHH" Mccarty - The Brian Daubach of the NBA, this guy is streakier than shamps is at the top of the key during games of 21 (sadly this is not a joke, pamps has one spot and will nail it all day), that sounds like a good that's what she said.
Best- Probably Gilbert Arenas - he has a good reason for wearing 0, for all the naysayers that predicted that he would get 0 playing time.
Worst - Eric "crew cut' Montross, the worst playing yet best looking 0 of all time.
1. First- Warren Moon - was a big fan of this guy
Worst - Penny hardaway cool name which makes guys lay out for him if he ever walked around 55 mons but way overhyped.
2. Sadly the first one that comes to mind is Jeter or Jetter, not sure which one it is, Seeing that we never see him past mid october anymore hard to recognize him.
Best- Would hands down be (for those intense horse fans, you get that pun) ( for those who are not horses are measured in terms of measurements called hands) Secretariat, best horse off all time and he wore 2 in this 31 1/2 length victory in the 1973 belmont stakes.
3. First that comes to mind Allen Iverson - hard to argue that he is not the best 3 of recent memory, Babe Ruth is hard to leave out too though. I guess you could consider Dale Ernhart that is if anyone gave two shits about Nascar.
Worst 3 - Grady Little i dont want to get on a long rant about grady little but you all know why he is the worst.
4. First- Brett Favre hard not to have him as the first to mind seeing that he is always on sportscenter
Best - Mr. Clutch himself Adam Vineteri His best kick being against oakland in the playoffs that tied the game, 45 yards in the blizzard.
5. Sadly Trent Edwards is the first that came to mind, this scared me
Best- I guess you could say joe dimaggio, but i dont want to say it.
Worst - Juan Howard- cant get more overpaid than this former fab fiver.
6. First that comes to mind and also doubles as the best is Bill Russel- No argument will be heard on this number
Worst - The human snooze button Joe Torree- got all this credit for the title but was asleep from the 4-8th inning every game.
7. First- John Elway - Loved this guy best 4th quarter Qb in nfl history
Worst- Kenny Anderson another in the long list of NBA players that made 100 million plus that didnt deserve it.
8. FIrst that comes to mind is Kobe- not sure why this still is the case, seeing that he changed it, if every player changed numbers after rapes, then there would be so many more throwbacks out there.
Best would have to be Cal Ripken Jr
9. Ted Williams comes to mind first, and he is also the best.
10. I would love to say Tom Brady in college, but the best 10 is fran tarkenton, he was the pioneer of the quarterback scramble.
11. First to think of is Nancy Drew Bledsoe- the only guy who is 6'6 265 lbs that could be steamrolled by shamps.
12 No question Tom Brady, they should retire this number league wide once he retires
Close runner up would be Mark Bellhorn
13. First thought of would be Dan Marino, speaking of never winning titles the best (at least from april to sept would be AROD)
14. Drawing a blank of this one for some reason, the best i could think of is Todd Walker.
15. Kevin Millar comes to mind first - this fun lovin down to earth souther boy who happened to juice, is one of my all time favorites, one of his many benefits to mankind is he is the genesis of the "citgo sign covered in kids' "phrase.
Runner up- Jeff Hostletler
16. Just from recent memory Matt Cassell comes to mind first, but the best and hard to argue even though i want to because shamps is a huge fan of him for god knows why Joe Montana
17 Dave Craig comes to mind first, the little known QB, hes basically the white Quincy Carter who was also 17. John Havlochek is hands down the best
18. Love Dave Cowens becuase i meet him. he is a damn good 18 too. Peyton Manning has to be up there too, as well as the forehead hall of fame.
19. Josh Beckett is the best 19 i can think of, no offense to the hebrew hammer Gabe the Babe Kapler.
20. Barry Sanders is the best 20 to ever play. Gary Payton on seattle comes to mind too.
21 Neon Deion's 21 is prolly the most popular 21 of all time.
22. I think of Doug Flutie on BC, but Emmit Smith has the lowest IQ of any 22 but is prolly the best to dawn the double deuces.
23, Jordon - nuff said. Dauber would argue but cant.
24. I think of Manny when i think of 24, Ty Law is my favorite 24 of all time.
25. Mikey Dubs Lowell is a good 25,
Ill be back for 25-50 as im sure you are all excited. I know a lot of these last names are spelled wrong dont feel like looking them up as these were all off the top of my head.
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