I was listening to Dennis and Callahan this morning and they were reading an article for the athletes that did the most justice to their numbers of all time. They go through each jersey number and not necessarily pick the best player but more for the more memorable and stuff like that, i only heard a snippet of it, and decided to go through my own, these are off the top of me old noggin, im going to pick the first that comes to mind and so on. So let's get into it.
00. First (being first that comes to mind)- Robert Parish - The only thing higher than his number in the rafters is probably the chief himself, haha see what i did there i pulled a marijuana joke.
Best- He doubles as the best as well
Worst- Cant think of any others that had this weird jersey number
O.First - Walter "WaltaHHH" Mccarty - The Brian Daubach of the NBA, this guy is streakier than shamps is at the top of the key during games of 21 (sadly this is not a joke, pamps has one spot and will nail it all day), that sounds like a good that's what she said.
Best- Probably Gilbert Arenas - he has a good reason for wearing 0, for all the naysayers that predicted that he would get 0 playing time.
Worst - Eric "crew cut' Montross, the worst playing yet best looking 0 of all time.
1. First- Warren Moon - was a big fan of this guy
Worst - Penny hardaway cool name which makes guys lay out for him if he ever walked around 55 mons but way overhyped.
2. Sadly the first one that comes to mind is Jeter or Jetter, not sure which one it is, Seeing that we never see him past mid october anymore hard to recognize him.
Best- Would hands down be (for those intense horse fans, you get that pun) ( for those who are not horses are measured in terms of measurements called hands) Secretariat, best horse off all time and he wore 2 in this 31 1/2 length victory in the 1973 belmont stakes.
3. First that comes to mind Allen Iverson - hard to argue that he is not the best 3 of recent memory, Babe Ruth is hard to leave out too though. I guess you could consider Dale Ernhart that is if anyone gave two shits about Nascar.
Worst 3 - Grady Little i dont want to get on a long rant about grady little but you all know why he is the worst.
4. First- Brett Favre hard not to have him as the first to mind seeing that he is always on sportscenter
Best - Mr. Clutch himself Adam Vineteri His best kick being against oakland in the playoffs that tied the game, 45 yards in the blizzard.
5. Sadly Trent Edwards is the first that came to mind, this scared me
Best- I guess you could say joe dimaggio, but i dont want to say it.
Worst - Juan Howard- cant get more overpaid than this former fab fiver.
6. First that comes to mind and also doubles as the best is Bill Russel- No argument will be heard on this number
Worst - The human snooze button Joe Torree- got all this credit for the title but was asleep from the 4-8th inning every game.
7. First- John Elway - Loved this guy best 4th quarter Qb in nfl history
Worst- Kenny Anderson another in the long list of NBA players that made 100 million plus that didnt deserve it.
8. FIrst that comes to mind is Kobe- not sure why this still is the case, seeing that he changed it, if every player changed numbers after rapes, then there would be so many more throwbacks out there.
Best would have to be Cal Ripken Jr
9. Ted Williams comes to mind first, and he is also the best.
10. I would love to say Tom Brady in college, but the best 10 is fran tarkenton, he was the pioneer of the quarterback scramble.
11. First to think of is Nancy Drew Bledsoe- the only guy who is 6'6 265 lbs that could be steamrolled by shamps.
12 No question Tom Brady, they should retire this number league wide once he retires
Close runner up would be Mark Bellhorn
13. First thought of would be Dan Marino, speaking of never winning titles the best (at least from april to sept would be AROD)
14. Drawing a blank of this one for some reason, the best i could think of is Todd Walker.
15. Kevin Millar comes to mind first - this fun lovin down to earth souther boy who happened to juice, is one of my all time favorites, one of his many benefits to mankind is he is the genesis of the "citgo sign covered in kids' "phrase.
Runner up- Jeff Hostletler
16. Just from recent memory Matt Cassell comes to mind first, but the best and hard to argue even though i want to because shamps is a huge fan of him for god knows why Joe Montana
17 Dave Craig comes to mind first, the little known QB, hes basically the white Quincy Carter who was also 17. John Havlochek is hands down the best
18. Love Dave Cowens becuase i meet him. he is a damn good 18 too. Peyton Manning has to be up there too, as well as the forehead hall of fame.
19. Josh Beckett is the best 19 i can think of, no offense to the hebrew hammer Gabe the Babe Kapler.
20. Barry Sanders is the best 20 to ever play. Gary Payton on seattle comes to mind too.
21 Neon Deion's 21 is prolly the most popular 21 of all time.
22. I think of Doug Flutie on BC, but Emmit Smith has the lowest IQ of any 22 but is prolly the best to dawn the double deuces.
23, Jordon - nuff said. Dauber would argue but cant.
24. I think of Manny when i think of 24, Ty Law is my favorite 24 of all time.
25. Mikey Dubs Lowell is a good 25,
Ill be back for 25-50 as im sure you are all excited. I know a lot of these last names are spelled wrong dont feel like looking them up as these were all off the top of my head.
15 - Carmelo Anthony!
ReplyDelete25 - Barry Bonds...
7 - Flutie on Bills, Chargers
EEWW don't even mention stupid face Barry Bonds...unless you make a list of all time douche bags
ReplyDeletei figured flutie being on this list twice would be enough. I would put carmelo but i have to limit the number of potheads i can have. and i hate barry so i didnt think of him when i thought of 25
ReplyDelete00 - eric montross.
ReplyDeleteskipped over trot at 7 and LT at 21!