I was in the gym the yesterday and i didnt have any headphones on, so i was forced to listen to whatever they had playing on the radio over the loud speakers. The song Take You There was playing by Sean Kingston. For those of you who don't know, the chorus goes
We can go to the tropics
Sip pina coladas
Shorty I could take you there
Or we can go to the slums
Where killers get hung
Shorty I could take you there
So you can see if anything is going to get bleeped out, it would be "where killers get hung right" well NO, the Pina Coladas was bleeped out. Are You Kidding ME!!!!!! i couldn't believe this, i was shocked im still shocked! Tell me one good reason that pina coladas was bleeped out for sean kingston but not for Jimmy Buffet, i smell the race card. speaking of that radio stations are allowed to say the N-word, especially in Florida. They can say that word all over 40 year old virgin but can say pina coladas on the radio. Americans are so afraid to promote anything, and every athlete in the world has to issue an apology for every interview they do, just so they dont offend anyone.
Random side note, the only thing on right now is Fast and Furious and there is cool line, Brian is going to date vin diesels sister and he says "if you break her heart ill break your neck" i should say that to my sisters boyfriend. anyway enough with this ramble i need to get back to my other ramble.
I want to recap one of the most interesting nights in my college career, it was Halloween and me john shamps chirag (shitrag) dan all went to a party on mass ave, yeah thats right not too strange we had no females with us, anyway. It was your typical rocking house party and we met this young lady (i think) named Samia and she was from watertown, and she was real ademit about getting some lip action that night, so she approached dan, john, shitrag and even me, and back then it was a shocker but even i declined and shamps came out of no where to steal the show and after we left gave us a nice make-out scene in the middle of Mass Ave. That made it a good night anyway but the best or worst depending on who you are was yet to come. We all got back to the apartment at davenport B, and we were in john and I's room. And i had my towel for some reason, and i

I always heard the "you dont know what you got till its gone" and i wish i had some profound moment of clarity that made me think of this but the true story is the cleaning crew at work missed my cube last night, and it kind of smelled this morning, I call this the Offensive Lineman syndrome. No one cares about the cleaning crew, but without them, it totally makes a difference. THey come in at night and empty the trash and clean up and the only time anyone ever thinks about them is in a negative way, when was the last time you got to work and thought to yourself "hey im glad they cleaned last night like everynight before this" it doenst happen you walk in, and if you see a mess you think "hey what the hell man, why isnt my trash taken out" This is covered in full by all offensive lineman, the only time you notice them is whne they screw up, or they commit a peanlty. The only time the announcers ever mention them is when there is a flag on the play or they show a highlight where they are getting blown off the ball by an offensive lineman. The only caviat to this is when the commentator is a former offensive lineman. To a lesser extent MLB managers, they get all the blame in the world (and rightfully so, most of the times for example Grady &^$^&$ Little) when it goes wrong they get the blame for making the wrong move, when it goes right the player gets the credit. Granted im complaining that multimillionares are not get noticed so lets move on. In short be thankful for the jobs that get little reconition, like the cleaning crew, the trashmen, the asian woman who goes through our trash and so on and so forth.
You know what grinds my gears. When a bar, especially an "Irish" bar has a bartender who cannot pour a pint of Guinness for the life of them. Do not call yourself an Irish bar if you don't train your bartenders to pour a pint.
ReplyDeleteUgh! BTW the bar in question is Lir.
Enjoying your posts :) Sometime you've got to tell about that night at Paco's when you saw a classmate in the dining room.....
p.s. The family reunion might be interesting fodder for you, they usually are :) Though when it comes to ours, it might be too hot for prime time