Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Creepy Guy Returned

If you read previous posts you would have read about the creepy guy that came and fixed my computer at work. Well sadly he came back yesterday to fix my computer, he had to install a new mother board. I didn't think it was possible but he even got more creepy. I have to escort him through the building due to security reasons, so i basically sat there while he put in the new mother board. I know it sounds exciting but it really really isn't. He started off by talking about how tired he was and that he needed more caffeine which is normal enough, he quickly went on to explain how his back hurt, and asked if i knew that people have 2 separate vertebrae in their tailbone and that they fuse together at some point in your development. He went on to explain that his somehow didn't and that he should be more flexible but the doctors told him that he wouldn't be. With all this excitement i managed to get a nerf ball off my managers desk to play with while i sat there and watched him unscrew 45424 little bolts on the inside of the computer. He made a big deal about this, i would say strange behavior but with him i wouldn't know what is considered strange for him. If you need a reminder he is 5'4 red hair, very high squeaking voice and i am almost positive he wore the same cheap Steve and Barry's sweater that he had on last time. Any way i put down the nerf ball and picked up a nerf football and out of no where and about 10 octaves louder that necessary he shouted out " you changed balls" causing everyone with in 15 cubes of me to stand and look. At this point everyone around me hates that fact that he is back since he was the butt of so many jokes last time he left.

It gets weirder actually, he was fascinated with the nerf balls and proceeded to tell me that he plays dungeons and dragons, and that his dungeon master sometimes throws balls at them when they get goofy. At this point i swear you could hear a pin drop until i heard everyone around my typing, they were all im'ing people to make fun of this guy, and the fact that he laughs awkwardly after every sentence he says. There are many shocking moments in history but the fact that this guy said he plays dungeons and dragons is probably the least shocking moment since Lance Bass admitted that he boards the dude train. This whole process of changing the motherboard took about 65 mins too long for my liking. If my computer breaks again i might just do everything by hand and sent mail through the post office instead of email just to avoid a possible interaction with this guy again.

I am basically at his mercy though, he could get mad at me and intentionally screw up and i would be shit out of luck as it had already been a week plus since i had my old computer back and i was very sick of cube hopping. There are many people that no matter how annoying they are you cant really say anything mean cuz they could screw you over, some examples are barber, mechanic, anyone handling your deli meats and waitresses since they could spit in your food. If i ever seen Barry J Wilkins Jr again it will be too soon.

P.S. Congrats to Viola and Jeff on the birth of Mae !!


  1. guy sounds an awful lot like that guy who fixed computers at NU. can't remember his name, but you loved him.
